
Keywords Index

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:: 22 Districts of Tehran Spatial Evaluation and Measurement of Sustainable Urban Development with a Healthy City Approach in Tehran Metropolis [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: AHP model Spatial analysis physical development of Eghlid city with using of AHP method in GIS [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: AHP model and factor analysis Study of Drought Effects on Constant of Economy Development in Golab County with Using AHP and FA (Case study: Golab County, KashanTownship [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: AHP. Positioning the Tourism Complex Multicriterion Determin Method for Tuesday Olse Belanga City Masal [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: AHP. Determining Vulnerable Applications and Criteria for Spatial Locating With Emphasis on Unnatural Crises with AHP Method (Case Study: Sabzevar) [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: AMSR-E/AMSR-2 Monitoring Snow Cover Changes and the Volume of Snow Water Equivalent Using MODIS and AMSR-2/AMSR-E Sensor Data (Case Study: Karun, Karkheh and Dez Basins) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: ANP Promotion Strategy of the Quality of Life in City Development Strategies; a Case Study of Borujerd City [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Abkouh Neighborhood‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Pathology of Public Participation in Renovation and Improvement of Urban Structure in Abkouh Neighborhood in Mashhad [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Abkuh Sugar Factory Planning for Regeneration of Urban Brown−Fields with Social Aspect of Place Making Procedure, Case Study of Abkuh Sugar Factory in Mashhad [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Abumusa Island. A Study of Weather Types of Abumusa Island [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Active Determination of Tectonic Activity Based on the Morphology of Alluvial Fan Systems (Case Study: the Northern Slopes of Sabalan Volcanic Mount) [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Ahvaz Zoning of the Urban Regions of Ahvaz City, Iran, Based on the Social Creativity Effective Factors [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Ahvaz Role of the Place on Information and Communication Technology Effectiveness on Women’s Gender Identity; a Case Study of Ahvaz City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Ahvaz City Identifying the Drivers Affecting third Places and the Quality of the urban Environment in Ahvaz city [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Ahvaz Metropolis An Investigation into Desirable Urban Spaces and Its Role on Realization of the Theory of the Right to the City in Ahvaz Metropolis [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Ahwaz Metropolis A Spatial analysis of right to the city indicators: A case study of Ahwaz metropolis [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Air quality management . Tehran air pollution forecasting system [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Alluvial Fans Role of Quaternary Tectonic and Climatic Factors on the Geomorphological Changes of Meshkin Shahr Depression Alluvial Fans [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Alvand river. Analysis of Morphological Factors in the Changes of Spatial Patterns of Alvand River [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Analysis of Interconnected Decision Area (AIDA) Application of Strategic Planning Process to Reduce the Risk of Drought Impact on Isfahan's Habitation by Using AIDA [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Explaining the Component of Lasting Patterns Governing Indigenous Housing in Mashhad City, Iran, and Prioritizing Them Using Analytic Hierarchy Process [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Assessment of Land Capability for Agriculture and Rangeland Development Using Hierarchical Analysis Method (Case study: Gaz long - Lavar-e Saheli Watershed of Bushehr Province) [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Analytical Hierarchy Process. Identification and Ranking the Criteria of Site Selection for Construction of Mosques in Roadways [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Ancillary Maps Land Use Mapping by Classification of Landsat Images Using Synthetic Method [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Anjilsi Forest of Babol Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination Caused by Residual Leachate on Forest Soil in Babol Anjilsi Region, Iran [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Annual Irrigation. Estimation saffron evapotranspiration by Penman Monteith method and it s Water require in Isfahan province [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Aras River Environmental of Aras River Environmental Pollution [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Ardabil Indicators of the Quality of Urban Life in Five Regions of Ardabil City [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Ardabil City Space-Time Analysis of Quarrels in Ardabil City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Ardabil Province Prediction of the Starting and Ending of Freezing Periods of Ardabil Province by Using HADCM3 Climatic Model [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Ardabil province. Studying drought and evaluating its prediction possibility in Ardabil province by using SPI index and ANFIS model [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Artificial Intelligence Examining the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing and Enhancing the Accuracy of Parametric Urban Planning and Design [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Assalouyeh Survey to Determine the Priority of Public Spaces, City Development Strategies of Assalouyeh Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Assanid dynasty. Identification and Climatology of Cut-off Lows over IRAN and Relationships with ENSO and NAO [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Atmospheric Pattern. Studying the Relationship Between Wet and Dry Periods of Urmia Lake Basin and Teleconnection Pattern of North Atlantic Oscillations [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Avalanche fall Survey the Avalanche-Prone Area Using Geographical Information System (Case Study: Tang Darkesh Varkesh, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province) [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Azam river of Herat (Yazd) A comparative study of artificial neural network and HEC-HMS1 model in rainfall-run off estimation in Azam river basin of Herat [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Babolsar Analysis of physical and functional quality of recreational - leisure uses in tourism cities (case study: Babolsar) [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Bahar City Factors Affecting the Realization of Employment Policies in the Agricultural Sector in Bahar City, Hamadan Province, Iran [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Baluchestan- Iran Optimum Political-Spatial Pattern of Social Power Distribution in Baluchestan Region [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Barriers to entrepreneurship Analysis of Student’s Career Orientation with Emphasis on Entrepreneurship Case Study: Geography Students, University of Tehran [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Bayhaghi terminal Modeling the Emission and Spread of Nitrogen Dioxide in Beyhaqi Transportation Terminal [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Behshar The Role of Industrial Estates on Economic Development of Peripheral Villages: Case Study Behshahr Industrial Estate [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Bileh Savar City Investigating Sociocultural Barriers Affecting the Underdevelopment of Bileh savar City based on the Opinion of the Citizens [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Bojnurd City Strategies for Mitigating Vulnerability of Critical Urban Arteries to Flooding within Bojnurd City [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Bouin Zahra and Avaj Counties Analysis of Structural Factors Affecting the Institutional Development of Rural Areas of Bouin Zahra and Avaj Counties, Iran [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Bozqoosh Mountains Neotectonic Analysis in the North Slope of Bozqoosh Mountains, by Using Geomorphological Methods [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Bradbury and Rackliff Indexes Analysis Thermodynamic and Synoptic Pick Floods Region Mountain (Behesht Abad Basin) [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: CMAP Introduction and a Comparison among Gridded Precipitation Database of Asfazari with GPCC, GPCP and CMAP [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Case Study Method An Operational Definition of Affects in Urban Space in the Light of a Methodological Approach [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Caspian region Climatic Regionalization of Caspian Region Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Central Asia Urban System in Islamic Countries of Central Asia [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari. Preference Main Route Tourism of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiyari Province Using Topsis and AHP Models [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Change of Pattern Changes Detection of the Karun’s Meanders by IRS and Landsat Images Satellite [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Chashme-Langean Basin Glacial and Tectonic Evidence of Late Quaternary in Cheshmeh -Langan Basin of Isfahan [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: China An Analysis of China's Geopolitics and Energy Security in the Persian Gulf Region [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Chitgar Tourism Complex A Suitable Tourism Model Based on Good Urban Governance for the Chitgar Tourism Complex [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Citizens Safety. Stabilizing Urban Slopes, A Step On Increasing Safety and Improving Aesthetic Sense of Citizens (Case: Tehran City) [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: City Councils Sustainable Development and Security and Legal Empowerment of Local Governments in Iran [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: City of Qom Attitude on Crime Rise and Criminality in the Slum [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: City of Qom Analysis of Creation Causes on Informal Settlements with Using Path Analysis Model, Case Study: Shadgholi-Khan Town of Qom City [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Climate Prediction Scenario Impacts of Climate Change on Watermelon and Cucumber Agriculture in Hormozgan Province and Prediction of Long-Term Pattern [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Climatic Atlas Climatology Atlas of Frosts Statistical Properties of Iran [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Climatic Regionalization Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods in Climatic Regionalization Case Study: Isfahan Province [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Cluster analysis Investigating the Changes of Seasonal rainfall pattern in Hamedan province [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Cluster analysis Recognition of Isfahan weather types [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Coastal geomorphology Geomorphological evolutions of river network components in the formation and evolution of delta (Case Study: Hormoz strait north deltas (Shour, Jalaby and Hassan-Langi) [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Coefficient of Curvature Geomorphological Monitoring of Bushehr Port Coastline [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Coefficient of Variation Temporal Distribution and Regime of Precipitation of Northwest of Iran [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Combined DRASTIC Evaluation of Jiroft Plain Aquifer Vulnerability Potential Using DRASTIC and CD Models [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Communications The explanation the Conceptual Turn of Sovereignty Towards Communication Governance in Poststructuralist Political Geography [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Community Based Organization and Grounded theory Analysis the position of Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based Organization about Informal Settlement empowering through Grounded Theory method [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Components of National Power Analysis and Survey the Position of Science and Technology in National Power [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Comprehensive Image Evaluative Image Model in Perception of the Environment;Case Study of Bushehr City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Comprehensive Plan Discovering the Roots of the Inefficiencies of the Rules and Regulations of Iran's Urban Development Plans [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Comprehensive Rational Planning Evaluation of the Application of the “Master Plan Model” in Iranian Urban Planning Environment [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Conceptual model Developing a conceptual model of sustainable social housing with emphasis on the dimensions of social sustainability [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Constructive Dynamisms of Large-Scale Urban Projects by the Space Political Economy Approach; a Case Study of Mashhad Metropolis [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Confirmatory factor analysis. Ghanat as an implication of merit and knowledge of Iranian with regard to sustainable development (The Case of Study: Sarvenov, Kermanshah Township) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Content Analysis The Ten-Year Performance of Geographical Researches Journal [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Content Analysis Identifying the Factors Affecting the Variations of Urban Settlement patterns Based on Social Ecology in Different Dimensions by Content Analysis Method [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Content Analysis in TOD studies. Content analysis of scientific outputs 20 years Transit-Oriented Development approach in Iran [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Correlation Method. Evaluation of Base Flow Separation Methods Based on Recession Analysis [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Counter Offices Application of Dynamic Locating in long-term Urban Management Planning; the Case Study of Counters Offices of Civil Registration Organization [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Crisis Management. Seismic Vulnerability Analysis and Simulation in Disaster Management , Case Study: 13th area of kerman city [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Cubic Regression Model Application of Statistical Models and Satellite Imagery in the Evolution of Heat Island in Hamedan City [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Cultural Geography Understanding the Epistemological Consequences of Governmentality Concept in Cultural Geography [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Cultural geography. Analysis of a New Approach to Understanding the Relationship Between Politics and Geographical Space in the School of Structuralism [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Cultural-Historical Capabilities Cultural-Historical Capabilities of Tourism and their Impact on Tourism Development in Gilan Province [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Culture Commodification. Residents’ Attitude towards the Cultural Impacts of Tourism Development in Rural Areas (Case study: Abyaneh Village) [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Cybernetics A Study of Saudi Arabia's Patterns of Behavior towards the Islamic Republic of Iran's Geopolitical Role-Finding in the Persian Gulf Region (With Emphasis on Cybernetics Theory) [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: DEMATEL Method Effect of Guerilla Marketing Using DEMATEL Method on Tourist Attraction with Economic Benefits Attitude [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Danehkho Estimating the Volume of Alluvial Fans around Danehkhoshk Anticline and its relation to Tectonic [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: David's Strategic Planning Model Strategic Plan for Tourism Development of Makhunik Village Using David Model [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Day Length Effects of Temperature and Day length on Development Rate of Safflower in Esfahan province [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Debris Flow Modeling Evaluation of the Vertical Piers Impact on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation Using a Numerical Model [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Dehdasht The Study of Council Management Function in Changing the Structure of a Certain Town (Dehdasht as a case study) [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Dena Region Zoning and Locating Tourist Sites (Sports-Recreation) in Dena Area Using ECE and STCC Combined Model [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Designing Operating Systems. Implementation of Operational City Bus Systems in Order to Organize Public Transportation [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods Study of Seismic Potential of Benarvan Fault by Deterministic and Probabilistic methods [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Dez Basin . Evaporation Predict Using Climate Signals and Artificial Neural Network in Dez Basin [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: DiD(Difference in Difference) Comparing the Effect of Different Features of Two Commercial Large-Scale Buildings on Economic Prosperity in District 9 of Mashhad [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Disabled individuals The Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Disabled Individuals with the Tehran Bus Rapid Transfer System According to Social Justice [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: District 12 of Tehran Physical-Economic Resilience Assessment of District 12 of Tehran City Confronting Earthquake [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: District 12 of Tehran City The Role of Urban Governance in the Urban Worn Texture Regeneration Process, Case Study: District 12 of Tehran [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: District 19 of Tehran Strategies for Improvement and Renovation of Worn-Out Urban Structures using Sustainable Development Approach (Case study: District 19 of Tehran) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: District 22 Identifying the Components of Biophilic Urban Design in District 22 of Tehran [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: District 22 of Tehran City Identifying the Factors Influencing the Presence and Participation of Women in Urban Space from View of Right to the City [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: District 4 of Tehran City Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Systems using Flood Management Model; Case Study of District 4 of Tehran [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: District Eleven Tehran Assessment of the Social Participation Indicators in the Establishment of Urban Creative Districts within District Eleven in Tehran [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Dogonbadan city Spatial analysis and urban land use planning in Dogonbadan (Gachsaran) [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Double Skin Facade Adequacy of Climate Zoning Studies Data for Use in Applied Climate Architecture Studies in Hot and Dry Climates of Iran [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Drainage Basin Neotectonic Investigation of Kakli- Raz Area Located at Northern Khorasan Using Morphometric Indices [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Drainage System Investigating the Role of the Movements of Khorram Abad’s Hidden Thrust Fault in the Evolution of Khorram Abad River’s Drainage System [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Drug trafficking A Study of Effect of Geographical Factors on Societal Security (Case Study: Kerman Province) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Dyereh Catchment. The study of Gully Erosion in Dyereh Catchment Using the Method of Weightal Modulation and Stream Power Index [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Dynamic Conservation Dynamic Conservation of Iran’s Historical Roads [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: E Evaluating Soil Moisture in Esfahan Province by AMSR-E [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Earthquake Risk Zoning Zoning of Earthquakes Occurred in Fars Province during 1900 to 2010 and Comparison it by Former Researches Findings [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: East Azerbaijan Province Spatial Analysis and Ranking of the Health Indicators Using GIS [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: East slope of Sahand Mt Investigation the behavior of meanders on flood plains in semi-arid regions, Case stady: Flood plains on North East of Sahand Mt. (Shoor and Garaagaj) [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Eastern Azerbaijan Evaluation of mutual interaction between influential civic regions in East Azerbaijan city Network (applying the gravity model and process analysis methods) [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Eastern borders of Iran The Preparation of Spatial planning Strategies for Border Areas (Case Study: Eastern Borders of Iran) [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Eco-Agritourism Eco-Agritourism and Protection of Urban Agricultural Heritage, with an Emphasis on the Iranian Garden Cities [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Ecogeomorphology Determining the Biogeomorphic Feedback Windows Located in the Riparian Area of the Taleqan River, Iran [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Economic Index Investgating the Status of Urban Regeneration Indicators in Zahedan City [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Economic factors Role of Economic Factors on evolution of Rural Housing [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Ecosystem Degradation Typology of Environmental Crimes in Iran’s Natural Geography [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Edward Said The Middle East and Media Oriented Analytic Critical Islam from a Post-Colonial Point of View [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Entrepreneurial Spirit Identifying and Prioritizing the Impact of Tourism Development Indicators on the Prosperity of Rural Handicraft Cooperatives in the Northern Savdkouh County [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Entropy Shannon An Analyses of Tourism Development in Iran Emphasizing Eco-Tourism Resorts [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Environment The Smart Environment Scenarios of Mashhad Metropolis, Iran [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Environment Measurement Scale Human-Nature Interaction: A Normative Analysis [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Environmental Factors Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the liveliness of Mashhad’s Public Spaces Relying on Image Perception and Analysis [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Environmental Factors Analysis of Factors Influencing the Physical Development of Ilam City [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Environmental Quality. Typology and Efficiency Evaluating of the Open and Semi-Open Space in Vernacular Housing With an Emphasis on Enviromental Quality Factors:a Case Study of Western Kurdistan ,Iran [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Equamax Rotation Zoning of Iranian Heavy Precipitation Regime [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Erosion Evaluation of Erosion and Ssedimentation Areas of Drainage Basins of Makran Coastal Using Non-dimensional Hypsometric Curves [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Erratic rocks The reconstruction of permanent snow line elevation Quaternary in Alvand's Hamedan (By three methods of Wright, Slop- direction and Curvature coefficient) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Eslamabad Gharb Drought Status and its Management from the Viewpoint of Professionals and Households’ Heads in Rural Areas of EslamabadGharb, Iran [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Essence . Comparison of the Rosa Damascena Mill’s Essence Composition in Climate Change ConditionCase: Kashan, Kamoo, Barzok, Qamsar, Niasar and Natanz Garden [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: FANP Urban Texture Assessment Bbased on the Principles of Passive Defense Using Factor Analytical Network Process (F’ANP) (Casestudy : Noghan Neighborhood Mashhad) [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: FANP. Prioritizing the Effective Urban Space Qualities in Providing Investors Expectations, Using Delphi Technique. Case study: Central District of Mashhad City [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Fars Province Geopolitical Analysis of Natural and Human Capabilities of Fars Province to Achieve Environmental Development [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Fars Province Identification of the Circulation Patterns Producing Dust over South and Southwest of Iran (Case Study, Fars Province) [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Fars Province. Investigating Outdate Spring Migration among Nomads of Fars Province [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Fars. Representation of Temperature Variability in Fars Province Using Spatial Statistics [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Faulting Evaluation and analysis of Tectonic Activities in Sivand Basin area using Morphometric Indices [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Faulting. Assessment of active tectonic by using geomorphic indices in Dezful- Andimeshk basin [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Fight Against Terrorism and liberal Democracy. Humanitarian Interventions and National Interests; Iraq Case Study [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Firoozabad The Survey of the Firoozabad City's Green Areas and Their Locality by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Fold Symmetry Application of Geomorphology in the Exploration of Oil Resources in Bankol and Danehkhoshk Anticlines [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Folded Zagros. Analysis the Morphometric Features of the Mid-mountain lakes in the Folded Zagros (case study on the Ancient Lake of Khorramabad) [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Forest Park Mkhmlkvh Promoting models of power system analysis Mkhmlkvh Khorramabad Forest Park outing [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Foundation Data Theory Determining the Place Dignity Model and Studying Its Various Dimensions [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Fractal Spectrum Investigation and Analysis of Physical transformations of Mashhad urban complex using chaos theory (Mashhad Metropolis, Toos and Binalood Area) [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Fuzzy. Estimation of Maximum Air Temperature with Climatological and Statistical Approach [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: GIS Investigation of Hydrographic network of northern slopes of Shah jahan Mountain in respect of adaption and no adaption by using GIS [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: GIS Ecological Capability for Tourism in Tonekabon Forests [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: GIS Analysis of Appropriate Zones for Ecotourism Development in Zanjan Province Using GIS [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: GIS . Micro Zonation of Flood Risk in Tabriz Suburb with using Analytical Hierarchy Process [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: GIS. Modeling of Soil Erosion and Sediment Production with Three Models of WEPP, EPM and Fournier in GIS Case Study: Sulachai Watershed-Ardabil [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: GMCR. A Game Theoretic Approach to Reordering and Optimal Governance of Urban Fringes (Insights for Farmland Change Conflict) [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Garmsar County Evaluating and Analyzing the Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Sports Applications and Services in Garmsar County [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Gender Benefit Correlation of Human Development Level with Gender Inequality and Gender Exploitation [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Geoeconomic Situation Khaf-Herat-China Railway; a Transition Opportunity to Geo-Economic Situation [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Geographical Divide Different Aspects of the Fundamental Spatial Planning Pattern of Iran [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Geographical Space A Strategic Plan for the Political Management of the Geographical Space of Islamshahr Township, Iran [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Geography and Place Identity Geography and Place Identity in the Age of Globalization [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Geography transgenic. Evolutionary in Geographical Sciences, an Approaches in Nabavy Epistemology Field [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Geomorphic Evolutionary Urban Spatial Syntax Logic in the Coastal Plain Northern Coast of Iran [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Geomorphic Features Investigation of the Relationship between Geomorphic Characteristics and Sediment Production in Nirchai Basin [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Geomorphic indexes Structural analysis of Piranshahr fault as the northest part of Zagross Main Resent Fault by using DTM model and GIS [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Geomorphologic index. Active Tectonic and its Relationship with Volume of the Alluvial Fans (Case Study: Five Basins in North-eastern of Central Iran) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Geomorphology Geomorphological Challenges of Systematic Attitude [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Geopolitics Political-Economic Cognition of China; a Geopolitical Power in Southeast Asia [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Geopolitics. A Survey of Powers Competition Pattern in Caspian Sea [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Geo–Statistical Indices Investigation of Urban Sprawl Using Spatial Planning Models in Mashhad [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Germi Chay river. Investigation of meandering pattern Germi Chay River in Azarbayjan Sharghi province by geomorphology and Fractal methods [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Getis ord Gi*Index A Spatial Model for Assessing Urban Sewage Network Accidents in Cities with Historical Context A Case Study of Isfahan [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Globalization. Geopolitical Explanation Necessity of Tehran Urban Management at Global Class Scale [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Golestan National Park Estimating the Tourism Carrying Capacity of Recreation Areas of Golestan National Park [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Golestan Provance Determining Per capita Sports Sites in Golestan Province [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Gomishan City The Role of Urban-Rural Links in the Formation of the Local Network in the Border Areas (Gomishan; Golestan Province) [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Gonabad Township Investigation of the Potential of Sedimentation in Geomorphologic Facies in Gonabad Township Using Wind Tunneland IRIFR1 Model [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Good Urban governance The Effective Factors on the Strategic Position of the Supreme Council in the National Development of Iran [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Gorgan City Prioritization of Effective Factors on Vulnerable Areas of Physical Texture of Gorgan City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Gorgan City Investigating the Role of Public Participation in the Improvement and Revitalization of the Worn-Out Fabric of the City Center in Gorgan [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Gorganrood Watershed Prediction of Land Use/Cover Changes in the Gorganrood Watershed Using Metrics and Land Change Processes [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Gorganrud Basin of Golestan Effects of Economic Components on the Resilience of Flooded Villagers; a Case Study of Gorganrud Marginal Villages [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Graph model Analysis of Organizational Structures in Tehran Metropolitan Privacy Construction Processes based on Game Theory Approach [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Great Karoon Basin The Analysis of Precipitation Time Regime in Great Karoon Basin [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Grounded Theory Theory of Developmental and Coordinated Legal Structure for the Formulation of Rules for Iran's Urban Development Plans [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Grounded Theory Providing a Conceptual Model of the Underground Space as an Urban Development Catalyst Using the Grounded Theory [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Grounded Theory The Role of Environmental Factors on the Sense of Spirituality in Iran's Mosques based on Grounded Theory (Scope of Study: Mosques of Yazd and Isfahan) [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Grounded Theory Presenting the Model of Establishing Electronic Tourism in the Tourism Development of the Coastal Cities of Mazandaran Province Using the Grounded Theory [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Grounded Theory Identifying the Needs of Youth in Establishing Social Interactions in the Context of Temporary Landscape of Mashhad City, Iran, Based on the Grounded Theory [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Grounded Theory The Coordinated Planning Theory (The Interacted Theory with Official Structural Elements of Iran’s Urban Planning Environment) [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Grounded Theory . Pathology of Rural Guidance Projects on Collection and Disposal of Surface Water [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Habitat . Tehran Geosystem and its Significance in Urban Development Essence [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Hanging syncline Geo- tourism in Rijab: explaining and assessing its tourism ability [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Haraz Watershed Application of Remote Sensing in Assessing Land Use Changes in Haraz Watershed [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Harzandat plain Agro Climatic Zoning to Quinoa Culture in Harzandat Plain of Marand, Iran, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Hazards Zoning Zoning Risk Degree of Climatic Phenomena and Dust Storms in Roads Network of the Country Using Satellite Data [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Health Climatic Reversibility; Exposure Approach to Face Environmental Disturbances in the Field of Health [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Healthy City Urban Epidemiological Resilience Modeling Based on PLS Structural Equations, Tabriz, Iran [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Herat Providing a Suitable Model for Empowering Informal Settlements in Herat, Afghanistan [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Hierarchical Analysis Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability Components and Architecture Design of Iranian Educational Buildings [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Honey bee. Evaluate the Climate Calendar of Beekeepers in West Azerbaijan Province Based on Thermal Conditions [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Hot And Humid Climate Analysis of Comfort and Thermal User-Perception in Open Urban Spaces of Hot and Humid Regions; a Case Study of Bandar Abbas City, Iran [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Housing Provision Policies Performance and Effectiveness of Housing Provision Policies in Tehran Metropolis [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Human Development Index. Explanation of the Relationship Between Countries’ Access to Sea and Human Development Index [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Human Geography Research Critical Analysis of Sampling Designs in Human Geography Research by Focusing on Selection Bias in Probability Samples [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Hydro geomorphology The Role of Geomorphologic Factors in Formation and Nourishing Of Underground Water Table (Case Study: Zahab Plain) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Hypsometric Integral . Geomorphological Indicators of Active Tectonics in Paykola Anticline [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: ICONA Evaluation of Water Erosion with ICONA Model [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: IRAN. Analysis of the Concurrence of Black Sea High Pressure System and Daily Precipitation in IRAN [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: ISIS Analysis of the Geopolitical Factors Contributing to the Emergence of Religious Fundamentalist Groups and Their Impact on Regional Security in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Ideology. Theoretical Explanation of Functions of Political Power in Urban Space [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Ilam . The Feasibility of Using Wind Energy in Ilam [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Impact Assessment Pathology of Urban Regeneration Programs in Terms of Mental Health: The Experts’ Perspective [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Information System. Power Poll of wind Power in Sistan and Baluchestan Province by Using FUZZY-AHP [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: International Relationship Philosophy of International Relations After the Cold War Competition in Geographic Continuity [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Inverse Distance Weighted Climatic Droughts Zoning Using Inverse Distance Weighted Method [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Iran The Comparison of the Seasonal Rainfall Forecast precision by Box-Jenkins Models(case study: Selected stations of khozestan province) [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Iran Detection of Iran’s Vegetation Seasons Using NDVI [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Iran Recognition and Analysis of Agro Climatic Indices Changes in Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Iran Spatial and temporal analysis of Iran extreme cold days' trend [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Iran Categorizing of precipitation and Drought producing synoptic Circulation [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Iran Three-dimensional Analysis of Tourism Climate Index Across Iran [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Iran Investigation the Relationship between Important Properties of Cloud and Daily Precipitation in Iran [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Iran An Inquiry into the Recognition of Spatial Contexts of Centralization Governance System Acceptability in Iran’s Political Culture in Recent Century [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Iran Trend Analysis of Annual Threshold Heavy Precipitation Over Iran [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Iran Spatial-Temporal Analyze of Cyclones in 1376 Solar [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Iran Investigative Trend of Commencing and Ending Date of Temperature Thresholds of Zero and five Centigrade in Selected [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Iran Modeling of the Fragility of Iran Cities Using Interpretive-Structural Method [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Iran The Political Discourse Role of Zoroastrian Religion in Constructing the Territorial Identity of Iran in the Sassanid Era [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Iran Thermal Regions of Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Iran Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Cloud Cover in Iran [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Iran Ranking of Building and Housing Conditions in Iran's Provinces Using the Preference Selection Index [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Iran . Waiting time of frost occurrence over Iran [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Iran Regions . Industrial Development and Deprivation in Iran’s Regions: 2009-2013 [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Iran and Kazakhstan Geo-Economic Explanation of Iran's Relations with Kazakhstan [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Iran. Explanation of How the Geographical Influence of Iran Islamic Revolutionary in the Middle East with Emphasis on Distribution Theory [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Iran. Analysis of Growth Relations of Nebkas in Dashte Negar Bardsir [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Iran. Surveying of Changes in Spatial Pattern of Decadal Freezing of Iran [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Iran. Impacts of Boundaries Geometry on the Security of Western Boundaries of Iran [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Iran. Studying the Trend of changes in the Frequency of Days with Thunderstorms in Iran Using Nonparametric Methods [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Iran. Analysis and Recognition of Thickness Anomaly Patterns During Extreme Cold Days in Iran [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Iran. Monitoring of the Night Time land Surface Temperature in Iran Based on Output of the MODIS [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Iran’s Metropolises Transportation Indicators Assessment in Iran's Metropolises [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Iraq Analyzing ISIS's Impact on Middle East's Political-Security Equationsations [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Iron Age Spatial-Environmental Analysis of the Iron Age Settlements in Highland Zagros: Laran County, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Isfahan Estimation of poverty line and assessing the variation of poverty in rural areas of Isfahan province [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Isfahan Isfahan Metropolitan Resilience Predictive Model in Crisis and Unexpected Incidents [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Isfahan City Assessment of Measurable Qualitative and Quantitative Elements Effective in Readiness for Rendering Electronic Services in Isfahan City [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Isfahan City. Explaining the Situation and Recognition F actors affecting on the Building Violations in the Metropolises of Iran(Case Study: 15 Regions of Isfahan) [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Isfahan Creativity Model Presentation a Model for Explaining the Economic, Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions of Development in the Creation Creative City, Case Study: Isfahan City [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Isfahan Metropolis Event-oriented scenario planning of Isfahan metropolis [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Isfahan Metropolis Analysis of Traffic Equipment in Isfahan Metropolis Using Multimoora Technique [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Isfahan Province. Anticipated Monthly Temperatures for Selected Stations in Isfahan Province Using Artificial Neural Network Multi-layer Perceptron [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Isfahan metropolis Comparative Analysis of Urban Furniture Indicator in Isfahan Metropolis: Marcos Technique Test [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Isfahan. Comparing the Wife Abuse in Hottest and Coldest Region in Isfahan (2013) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Islamic City Analysis of Introversion in the Cities of Islamic Territories [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Jaghargh watershed. Weight of Evidence (WOE) Model Based on GIS to Evaluate Landslides Susceptibility (Case study: Jaghargh Watershed) [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Jahanbin basin and Water value . Estimation Probability Maximum Precipitation by GSDM in Jahanbin Basin [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Jahrom Key Influencing Drivers of Sustainable Development of Jahrom City, Iran [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Jask County Assessment the Afforestation projects impact in Controlling Wind Erosion Pibeshk Area, Jask County [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Kalat basin. A Study of Geomorphologic Instability Slope Anbalang Method Using GIS (Case study:Kalat Basin in the heights of Hezar Masjed) [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Kan Basin Zoning Sensitive Areas to Erosion in the Kan Basin by Using Geographic Information System (GIS) [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Karaj Analyzing the Plans to Improve the Road Network of the Deteriorated Area of Karaj by Means of the Technique of Space Syntax With the Aim of Increasing the Security of Women [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Karaj Space Syntax and Hermeneutics of Scale in Shahid Beheshti Street of Karaj [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Karaj Effect of Physical and Spatial Factors of High-Rise Official Buildings in Karaj City, Iran, on Employee Productivity [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Karaj Metropolis Analysis of the Role of Different Functional Nuclei on the Spatial Structure of Karaj Metropolis [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Karaj Municipality Investigating the factors affecting the income of municipalities and providing appropriate strategies for sustainable revenue [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Karaj Stream Quality Analysis of Urban Space, landscape and the Behavior User Method of Users (Case Study: karaj Edge Stream) [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Kashan Plain Evaluation of desertification intensity in Kashan plain [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Katalekhour Cave Simulation of Climatic Conditions within the Caves Through a Controlled Laboratory Environment to Estimate the Annual Dissolution Rate of Karstic Shapes Inside Katale Khor and Saholan Caves [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Kelardasht A Critical Examination of the Social and Economic Strategies Employed to Accomplish the Advancement of Urban Tourism in the City of Kelardasht [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Kendall Modeling Time Series of Dust Phenomena in Ahvaz [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Kermanshah Dust Storm Detection using Weather Rcscarch Forcast-CHEM Model and Aerosol Optical Depth Product Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro Radiometer Sensor (Case Study: Kermanshah) [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Kermanshah City Relationship between Land Use Patterns and the Parameters Affecting the Sustainability of Urban Transport; a Case Study of Kermanshah City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Kermanshah Metropolis Factors Affecting the Earthquakes and Evaluation of the Vulnerability of Municipal Areas From the Point of View of Passive Defense in Kermanshah Metropolis [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Khaf County. The Survey of Satisfaction Rural Communities of Landuse Locating in Rural Guidance Plan(Case Study: Villages of Khaf County) [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Khazar Western Coastal Analysis of the Jet Streams Frequency Associated with Extreme and Pervasive Precipitation over Khazar Western Coastal [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Khorasan Razavi Province Identification and Characterization of Dust Source in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Khorasan Razavi province. Estimation of Relationship between Frequency-Duration and Return Period of Extreme Climatic Events in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Khorramabad Investigation and Analysis of the Effective Factors on the Spread of Apartment in Khoramabad with Use of AHP& TOPSIS Technics [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province Comparative Analysis of Health Inequalities in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province Using Mabak Technique [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Kohgiluyeh. Archaeological Research on the Location Determination, Development and Destruction of Ziz city [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Kurdistan Province An Estimation and Spato-temporal Analysis of Climatic Comfort Conditions in Kurdistan Province [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Lake Urmia Detection of Surface Temperature Changes Using Satellite Images and Real Data and its Relationship with the Covered Vegetation in the Southern Part of the Lake Urmia [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Law of Requisite Complexity Diversification and Complication of the Administrative System as a Model for Optimal Administration of Tehran [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Leaf Area Index (LAI) Exploring the little application of mixed methods in Geography and Urban Planning Researches [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Leaf Area Index (LAI) Pasture Covering Status in Growth Period, Case Study: Shirvan Darasi Aquiferous Zone [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Legal Rules Comparative Study of Sustainable Development of Nomadic Areas from Legal Rules and Development Programs Perspective before and after the Islamic Revolution in Iran [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Local Government . The Effect of Specialization on Local Government Functions [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Local Management- Governance- Zanjan City- Promethee Ranking Assessing the Performance of Dehyari Representatives in the Framework of good Rural governance. Case Study: Villages of Zanjan City [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: MATLAB Modeling the Resilience of the City Against Natural Hazards with Emphasis on Landslide (Case study: Ghaemshahr City) [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Mahdasht Investigation of Sedimentary Environment Changes in Quaternary Deposits of Mahdasht Alluvial Fan [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Mahmoudabad City An Analysis of Empowering Local Communities for Sustainable Tourism Development with Emphasis on Natural Capacities (Case Study: Mahmoudabad City) [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Mahshahr Port The Drivers of the Oil Economy Affecting the Spatial Developments of Mahshahr Port, Iran [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Makran coastal plain. The Impact of Climatic Extreme Events on Aeolian Geomorphic Process from Catastrophic Theory aspect (Case study: Coastal Plain of Western Makran) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Malayer Evaluation of vegetation and thermal indices efficiency and feasibility of Landsat images to agricultural drought analysis (case study: Malayer) [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Mamuniyeh City Assessment of residential neighborhoods stability indicators [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Maragheh City and Social Justice: Analyzing Neighborhoods Inequality(Case Study: Maragheh Neighborhood) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Mashhad Study and Ranking of Urban Regions Based on Citizens’ Participation in Origin Separation of Waste by Using several criterion programming (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Mashhad Prioritizing the Behavioral Components of Tourists to Increase Satisfaction with the Holy Cities; Case Study of Mashhad, Iran [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Mashhad Designing a Model for Controlling and Handling the Power Exercising Environment for Urban Planning Process Based on Grounded Theory; a Case Study of Mashhad Metropolis [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Mashhad Climate Change Impact Assessment on Outdoor Thermal Comfort Changes Using Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) Index in Mashhad [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Mashhad Using Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS) in Prioritization of Brownfield Redevelopment in Mashhad Metropolis, Iran [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Mashhad . Analysis of women’s death spatial autocorrelation and access to urban green areas (Vitamin G) in Mashhad [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Mashhad City Determine the Quality Gap in the Services Provided by the Municipality (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Mashhad City Spatial Analysis and Location of Mashhad City Relief and Rescue Centers [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Mashhad City. Optimal Routing of Emergency Relief Vehicles Using Routing Algorithm in GIS (Case Study: Mashhad City) [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Mashhad Metropolis Evaluating and Measuring the Rate of Access to Public Services Using Fuzzy Model Case Study: Mashhad Metropolis [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Mashhad Metropolitan Presentation of a Strategic Model for Achieving Urban Sustainable Development in Mashhad Metropolis [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Mashhad Residential Building Spatial Configuration of Contemporary Residential Buildings in Mashhad City, Iran [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Mashhad city Identifying Urban Planning Incentive from the Perspective of the Private and Public Sector for the Formation of Public-Private Partnership in Mashhad [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Mashhad city. Evaluation of building density criteria in urban development plans Case example: District No. 9 of Mashhad city [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Mashhad metropolis Explanation of urban branding components with an emphasis on its economic aspects, case study: Mashhad metropolis [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Mashhad. Investigation Citizen Attitudes on Foreign Immigrants Resident in Mashhad [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Mashhad. Strategic Planning of Medical Tourism with an Emphasis on Religious Tourism in Mashhad City [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Mazandaran . "National Transfer Lands " Project Aimed at Developing or Conduit for Land Grabbing in Northern Iran (Case Study: Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Area Sari,Mazandaran) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Mazandaran Province Physical And Social Feasibility Study Of The Use Of Rainwater Harvesting System In The Housing Of Mazandaran Cities Based On Geographical Differences [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Mazandaran Province Measuring the Economic and Social Stability of the Cities of Mazandaran Province During Two Census Periods of 2006 and 2021 [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Meshkinshar County The empowerment as an essential step for attaining rural development, Case study: Meshkinshar County [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Metadata. Trends and variability of temperature during 1961-2010 over Iran, after adjustment of non climatic inhomogeneities [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Metamethod A New Approach to the Analysis of Visual-Perception Illusion on the Spatial Layout of Urban Elements [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Metropolis of Tabriz Assessment and Analysis of Sustainability Status in Metropolises, Case Study: All Ten Regions of Tabriz [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Metropolises of Iran Applying Kodas Technique to Measure Urban Infrastructure in Metropolises of Iran [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Meybod City Analyzing and measuring the economical-social indices of sustainable development within localities of historical Meybod city [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Miankaleh Carrying Capacity of Nature-Tourism in Ashooradeh Island in Miankaleh Biosphere Reserve, Iran [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Mooghar The role of tectonic in morphology, segmentation and development of Mooghar alluvial fan (north of Ardestan) [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Moran local Index Spatial and Chronological Analysis of Deaths from Gastric Cancer in Tehran [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Morghab River The Analysis of Neotectonic Activities Evidence in Murghab Basin [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis of Environmental Factors on the Spatial Structure of Industrial Estates in Alborz Province Using the ELECTRE III Method [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Multicore Growth Pattern The Adaptability of the Physical Expansion of Bushehr City with Multi-Core Growth Pattern [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: NDVI . The Evaluation of Urban Green Space to Locate Neighborhood Parks [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Nachi Basin [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Natural Gas Geopolitics Investigate the Relationship between Domestic Consumption and Enhance the Dignity of the Geopolitics of Natural Gas [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Neighborhood orientation. New Approach of Increasing Safety in Tehran by the Means of Passive Defense [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Neighborhoods District 12 in Tehran. Evaluation of Effective Social Components in Resilience of District 12 of Tehran [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Neyshabur Villagers. Effects of Khayyam Industrial Township on the Subjective Quality of Neyshabur Villagers lives. [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: North-west of Mashhad Area locating for high-rise building for preapared zone (Case of study: Mashhad north west area) [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Northwest of Iran Role of Low-Carbon Components in Transportation of Jolfa and Jananlo Cities, Iran, (Aras Free Region) using a Future Research Approach [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Organization of Urban Spatial Divisions. Spatial Organization of Urban Districts based on REDCAP Algorithm (Case Study: Regionalization of Tehran Metropolis) [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Organizational Citizenship Behavior Effect of Organizational Trust Management with Ethical Intelligence Approach on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Financial and Credit Institutions of Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Oshnoyeh City The Status QUO Analysis of the Buildings Vulnerability in the City of Oshnavieh to Earthquake [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Oudlajan Neighborhood Identification and Review of Defenseless Urban Spaces in Oudlajan Neighborhood of Tehran [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Pair wise index Monte Carlo Reiterations to Decrease Uncertainty in Pair Wise Comparison of Desertification Indicators [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Pathology Pathology of Environmental Advertising Management of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Perceived Stress Correlation of Housing Quality Indices and Perceived Stress in Isfahan Metropolis’ Families [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Peripheral Areas of Tehran. Tehran in Space of Management Political of Analysis land Domain [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Permanent Developing The Ecological Foot Print of Carbon Dioxide for Fossil Fuels in the Shiraz [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Permitting Factors An Explanation on Sustainability of West Asian Regional Crisis: case study, Syria after 2010 [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Physical Fabric Physical Vulnerability Assessment of the Hashtgerd New Town against a Probable Earthquake [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Place Attachment Effect of the Place Identity Components on Place Attachment; Study of the Tabriz Historic Bazaar [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Poldokhtar township Examination and assessment of rural housing sustainability (case study: Malavi real area, Poldokhtar township) [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Poldokhtar township. Analysis and Evaluation of Sustainable Housing in Rural Areas (case study: Mamolan real area, Poldokhtar township) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Political Act Cultural Turn in Geography and its Impacts on the Field of Political Geography [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Political Action The Impact of Local Structures on Socio-Political Action;Case: Baluch in Iran [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Political Economy Discursive Components of Islamic Caliphate Geopolitical Expansion in the Rashidun Caliph’s Era from the Laclau and Mouffe Perspective [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Population of Iran Study and Analysis of the Elderly Population of the Iran [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Post-Cold War Geopolitical Factors of Conflict between the Superpowers during Post-Cold War Era [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Potentials and legal deficiencies of Iran’s rules. Comparative study of Iran’s maritime realms in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea with the convention of the International Law of the Sea [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Power City and Urbanism in Political Geography [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Precipitation Theoretical Optimization of Troposphere Ionization Exchange Points to Reduce the Concentration of Fine Dust in Ahvaz City, Iran [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Precipitation and Temperature Conditions Classification of Conditional Probability of Precipitation Providing to Temperature Conditions in Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Predicted Mean Vote index (PMV) Preparing Iran’s Bioclimatic Map by Using the Predicted Mean Vote Index [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Pressure Pattern A Survey of Correlation between Precipitation Change in Southern Coasts of Caspian Sea and Variability of Sea Level Pressure [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Principal Component Analysis Evaluation and Geographical Analysis of the Principal Components Affecting Urban Economic Sustainability; Case Study of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Cities, Iran [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Provinces of Iran Social Pathology in Iran; Spatial Analysis from the Perspective of Social Geography [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Qajar Representation and Typology of the Identity Components of Lonban Neighborhood of Isfahan City, Iran, in the Qajar Era [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Qara Qom Basin Relationship of Drought and Teleconnection Patterns; Case Study of Qara-Qom Basin [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Qom New Bazaar Presenting a Model of Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Historical Contexts with an Integrated Approach (Case Study: Darvazeh Rey Neighborhood and Qom Bazaar Area [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Quaternarynary. Reconstruction of the Least Phase Quaternary Climate Condition in Shahdad River Basin [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: RAS. Chrdavl riverbank erosion in GIS using HEC-RAS model [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: RIAM software. Site Selection of Compost Plant Alternatives Using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) (Case Study: Compost Plant of Golpayegan City) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: RS Developing an Integrated Decision-Making Model Based on RS and GIS to Identify the Geomorphotourist Capabilities of Tajnood Valley and Hemmatabad Desert [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Rainiest Month Statistical Analysis of High- and Low-Precipitation Areas of Iran [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Rasht Environmental Quality Indicators of Urban Open Spaces in Bagherabad Neighborhood of Rasht, Iran [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Rasht City Spatial reflections of large cities in the process of transition to a metropolis (Case study: Rasht city) [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Ravansar. Explaining Status of Entrepreneurship Indicators and Predicting Them in Rural Residences (Case Study: Ravansar Township) [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Ravansar. Measuring Coefficient of Development ability of Big Villages of Ravansar [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Region 3 of Isfahan Metropolis Spatial Assessment and Analysis of Endogenous Development Zones; the Case Study of Region 3 of Isfahan Metropolis [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Regional Water Requirement. Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Water Requirement of Ghazvin Desert, Using METRIC Algorithm and Landsat Images [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Regional planning Assessing Impart Quantity of counties of Golestan province by Analytical Hierarchy Process [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Rehabilitation Investigating the Factors Influencing the Urban Fabric Decay in Haft Chenar and Bryanak Neighborhoods, District 10 of Tehran Municipality [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Relative humidity. Identifying Trend Patterns of Mean Relative Humidity in Isfahan Province [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Religious Democracy Urban Governance Indicators Based on Islamic Principles [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Remote Sensing Prediction of Land Cover Changes in Horizon of 2028 through a Hybrid Model of Markov Chain and Cellular Automata;Catchment Area around Bazangan Lake Case Study [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Replacement Zone Monitoring of Physical Parameters and Modeling for RecognizeAareas Need to Replacement at the Informal Settlements (Case Study; Neighborhood of Chahestaniha in the Bandar-Abbas City) [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Residential Apartments Energy Performance Modeling of Residential Isfahan Apartments Based on Geometric Characteristics [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Reverse vending machine Comparative Study of Separation Management Model from Dry Waste Source with Methods of Referring to the Door of Production Bases and Use of the Reverse Vending Machine in the Western Regions of Tehran [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Rig. Reconstruction Boundaries Snow of late Quaternary in the Range of Site Rig [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Rigan The Role of Site Detection on the Land Utilization Type in Planning and Management in Arid Areas Geographic [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Rijab Area Quantity Evaluation of Neotectonic with Emphasis on Geomorphic Evidence in Rijab Area [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Rivers of Noor City Urban Riverbank Land Use Management for Sustainable Tourism Development in Rivers of Noor City [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Rural Resilience Model of Rural Women after the Earthquake in Sarpol-e Zahab, Iran [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Rural Councils. Islamic Rural Councils Participation in Natural Resources Conservation: An Investigation in Protection Areas in Fars Province (Text in Persian) [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Rural Development Effect of Iranian-Afghan Marriages on Socio-Economic Dimensions of Rural Quality of Life in Jiroft, Iran [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Rural District Influential Factors in the Formation of the Physical Structure of Villages in Shemiranat County [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: SUFI2. Impact Assessment of Urban Physical Development on Hydrogeomorphological Systems of Tehran Metropolis (Case study:Darband Catchment) [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: SWOT Assess Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Planning in Iran [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: SWOT Model Analysis of Rural Tourism in Abyaneh by SWOT Model [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: SWOT Model Investigating and Analyzing of Ecotourism Attractions and Potentials in Urmia Township Using SWOT Strategic Model [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Sabalan. Quaternary Evolutions of Mountain Valleys by Using Contour Lines Case Study (Sabalan Mountains) [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Sabzevar Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using SVM Model and the Impact of Sabzevar City Development on Increasing Flood Peak and its Damages [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Sahand Mountain Landslide susceptibility assessment in semiarid mountain watershed Using weights-of-evidence and statistical method (Saeedabad-chai Watershd- North of Sahand Mountain) [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Sanandaj City Role of Government in the Peri-Urban Development; a Case Study of Sanandaj, Iran [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Sanganeh Kalat Basin Kuwait Claimed Territorialities and Overlapping with Iranian Maritime Zones in the Persian Gulf (Review and Cartographic Analysis of the Law and Map of Kuwait Maritime Zones (2014)) [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Sanganeh Kalat Basin Comparison of Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping Using Weight of Evidence and Frequency Ratio Models at Sanganeh Kalat Basin [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Saqqez city Applying the Boolean Logic and Simple Additive Weighting in Geomorphological Site selecting of Urban Waste material Landfilling (Case Study: Saqqez City) [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Sarakhs County Elucidation of Indicators Influencing Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Sarakhs County) [Volume 0, Number 0]
:: Saraskand Chai River . Evaluation of River Power Distribution, Shear Stress and Their Hazard Effects on the Urban Range of Saraskand Chay River [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Sarein County Geotourism Potential and Analysis of Competitiveness of Geotourist Areas of Sarein Region, Iran [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Sassanian Dynasty. The Historical Geography of Reishahr Port from Old Era Until the Fall of the Sassanid Dynasty [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Satellite Image Optimum Method for Water Body Extraction from Multispectral Satellite Images [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Satisfaction Explanation of the Sociability Urban Tourism Model with an Islamic Realism Approach: A Case Study of Tabriz [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Satisfaction Prioritization of the Components of Regionalism in Choosing the Field of Architectural Design with the Aim of Increasing Tourist Satisfaction [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Saudi Arabia Energy Geopolitical Developments and its Impact on Saudi Arabia's Tendency to Diversify Economic Resources [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Sea surface temperature An analysis on relationship between North Atlantic Oscillation and sea surface temperature of Atlantic Ocean with rainfall & temperature variability in Lorestan province [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Security Assessment of Urban Spaces Based on the Principles of Passive Defense; Case Study of Enghelab Square Area, Tehran, Iran [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Semnan Determining the Spatial Boundaries of Urban-Region for Semnan and its Surrounding Area Using the method of measurement of Inductive flows [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Semnan Province Site Selection of Potential Zones for Wind-Catchers in Hot and Dry Areas of IRAN to Naturally Ventilate the Building [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Semnan Province Sustainable Development Patterns in the Architecture of Semnan Wind-Catchers [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Severe Weather Threat Index Impact Analysis of the Environmental Changes Index of Urban Sprawl on the Severe Weather Storm;Case Studies of Tehran, Mashhad, Ankara, and Istanbul [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Shadegan Catchment. Estimate potential Sediment yield In Shadegan Catchment with Using of IRIFER and Hierarchical Models [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Shahdad Evaluation of Tourism Development by Systems Dynamics Model (Case Study: Shahdad City in the Northeast of Kerman) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Shahid Hasheminejad Prioritize spatial Urban Renaissance Localization Strategic Projects In Shahid Hasheminejad Range of Mashhad [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Shahriar Towinship Strategic Planning of Political Management of the Geographical Space in Shahriar Township [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Shahrood Presentation of a Model of Site Assessment and Ecotourism Planning in Protected Areas with an Ecological Carrying Capacity Approach [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Shahrood Assessment of the Appropriate Climate of Outdoor Recreational and Sport Tourism in Shahrood County, Iran, Using the Quantitative Indicators of Thermal Comfort [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Shahrood City Analysis of the Spatial Structure of Dilapidated Neighborhoods in Shahrood City, Iran, Based on Space Layout [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Shahryar Village Conceptualization of the Dimensions of Environmental Quality in Rural Planning by Participation of Local People and Experts; a Case Study of Shahriar Village, Lordegan County, Iran [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Shandiz City. Foresight Social Impacts Caused by the Presence Urban Mega-Projects (Case study: Padideh Tourism Complex of Shandiz) [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Shannon Technique Identification and Prioritization of Housing Problems by Delphi Method and Shannon Technique; Case Study of Mashhad City [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Sheshsad dastgah residential complexes The Impact Of Open Spaces Designing To Create place Attachment In Residential Complexes (Case study: sheshsad dastgah residential complexes in mashhad city) [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Shiraz Physical Form Coherence from Connectivity Point of View; Case Study of Shiraz, Iran [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Shiraz Explaining the Revitalization of Historical Areas in Shiraz with a Foresight Approach [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Shiraz Investigating the Effect of the Continuity Quality in the Interior Spaces of the Bazaars on the Attendance Rate (Case Study: Traditional Bazaars of Shiraz Metropolis) [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Shiraz Metropolis An Analysis of the Green City Approach in Iranian Metropolises; A Case Study of Shiraz Metropolis [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Shiraz city. Spatial Analysis Temperatures the City of Shiraz in the Warm Seasons and Cold Using Statistical Analysis and Satellite Images [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Shirindarreh Basin. The Comparison of EPM and CSY Methods in Estimation of Erosion and Sediment Yield in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Shirindarreh Basin, Bojnourd,North Khorasan Province, Iran [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Shirvan Chardavol. Correlation Analysis of Factors Affecting Sustainability of Rice Cultivation in the Shirvan Chardavol Township – Ilam [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Shirvan villages. Analysis of Social Network Effect in Space Function of Rural Services Case Study: Shirvan Rural District (Borujerd Country) [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Shoorchay Basin Analyzing and Investigating Effective Factors on Creating and Promoting Gully Erosions in Shorchay Watershed [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Sirjan County. The Role of Strategic Crops in the Livelihoods of Rural Households (Case Study: Pistachio Cultivation in Sirjan County) [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Sirjan Plain Relationship between Groundwater Resources and Quaternary Faults of Sirjan Plain Using Weight of Evidence Method [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Sistan Region The Analysis of the Relationship Between Dust Phenomenon and Rural Population Changes in Sistan Region [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Sistan and Baluchestan Province. Simulation of Climate Change in Sistan and Baluchestan for the period 2009-2040 by Using Downscaling the Data of Global Circulation Model [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Sixth Development Plan Key Factors in Evaluating the Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Development Policy in the Framework of the Sixth Plan [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Small Scale Projects Evaluation Pattern of Development Stimulus Projects in Regenerating Urban Worn-Texture [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Small lavasan Rural district. Analyzing the Role of Environmental Quality in Tourist Attraction to Rural Touristic Destinations (Case Study: Touristic Rural of Small lavasan Rural District) [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Smart City An Integrated Management Model of Spatial Data Infrastructure with a Smart City Approach in District 20 of Tehran [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Social Responsibility Examination of the Role of Citizens' Social Self in Urban Sustainable Development in District 2 of Tehran City [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Social Sustainability Effect of Urban Planning Components of Social Housing on Social Sustainability [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Soil Map. Importance of Using Modern Irrigation Methods in Increase of Employment and Development of Rural Areas [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Soil Nutrient Temporal Variability of Some Soil Fertility indicators in the Agricultural Lands of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Soltanieh Factor Analysis of Rural Tourism’s Development Barriers in Soltanieh, Zanjan Province [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Sonqor Evaluation of Physical-Spatial Cohesion of the Old City Texture of the Iranian-Islamic city based on Space Syntax Method (Case Study: Old Texture of Sonqor) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Soufian Improvement of Urban Effete Texture with Earthquake Critical Management Approach [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: South west of Tehran. Zoning Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential Using VIKOR Model (Case Study: South West of Tehran) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: South-Baluchestan Basin Modeling Monthly Rainfall in Southern Baluchestan Basin [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea The Modeling of Future Precipitation Changes, under Climate Change in the Southern Coasts of Caspian Sea. [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Space Syntax Analysis Spatial-Functional Structure in Connection with the Quality of Sustainable Urban Accessibility (Case Study: Enghelab Islami Square Area in The Tehran Metropolitan) [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Space-Time An Ontological Critique of Critical Geopolitics in Gearóid Ó Tuathail and Simon Dalby [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Spatial Correlation Description of Spatial Structure of Annual Precipitation of Iran [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Spatial Correlation. Recognition of Spatial Relationship of Widespread Hot Days in Iran [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Spatial Distribution Effect of Environmental and Geographical Factors on Distribution of the Chalcolithic Sites in the Hourand Region, Iran [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Spatial Justice of Education Role of School Quality in the Sustainability of Rural Population Settlements; in Isfahan County with a Sustainability Approach [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Spatial Planning Government Functional Place in Spatial Planning and Management within the Framework of Neoliberalism [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Spatial Planning. Tehran Reorganizing [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Spatial Structure The role of spatial structure in the vitality of the network of roads around Iranian Bazaar, Borujerd Bazaar [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Spatial- Locational Distribution The Status of Indicators of Good Urban Governance in Arak City, Iran, in the Viewpoints of Urban Managers and Citizens [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: Spectrum Analysis Principle Component Analysis of Extreme Indices of Zanjan City Precipitation [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Spiritual Culture The Role of Cultural Factors in the Development of Medical Tourism in Primary Health Tourism Centers in Iran [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Sports Spaces Environmental Risk of Carbon Monoxide Pollutant in Tehran Outdoor Sports Spaces and Recreation Sites [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Standardized Siberian High Index (SSHI) Spatial- Temporal Behavior of Siberian High at 1000 H.Pa Level [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Structural Analysis Investigating the Factors Affecting the Design of the Biophilic City [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) An Analysis of the Rural Community Evaluation of Village Administrations' performance Using Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Structural equations Exploring the Relationship Between Smart City Drivers and Sustainable Urban Security (Case Study: Semnan City) [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Structure Evaluation of Effective Components in the Construction of the Physical Zone of Entrance Points of the Ardabil City [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Sub-Culture Examining the Role of Urban Design According to the Components of Subjective Perception and Its impact on the Presence of Citizens [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Sunshine hours Calibration and validation of different methods for estimation of daily solar radiation (Case study: Rasht) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Surface Flows Preparation and Integration of Maps and Digital Data Related to Water Capacities [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Sustainability Environmental Effects of Concrete, Brick and Wood Usage in Construction on Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions; Case Study of Northwestern Iran [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Sustainability Placemaking Based on the Continuity of the Value of Natural Areas [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Sustainable Development Analysis of Change in Land Use and Maintaining and Preserving Green Spaces (gardens) of The Jahrom City for a Sustainable Development [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Sustainable Development Determine the Carrying Capacity of the Tourism and Recreational Range of Natural Areas of Mashhad Metropolis along the Urban and Sustainable Urban Planning [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Sustainable Development Identifying and Formulation of the Sustainable Green University Indicators with the Delphi Method [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Sustainable Urban Urban Livability Indicators in the Historical Context of Kermanshah [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: THI Index Climate Comfort Conditions for Tourism in Hamadan Province [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: TOPSIS Spatial Analysis and Prioritization of Cities of West Azerbaijan for Information and Communication Technology Development and Digital Divide Reduction [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: TOPSIS Realization of Integrated Urban Management Emphasizes the Role of Government Organizations in the Tehran Metropolis [Volume 37, Number 3]
:: Tabriz Factors Affecting the Mental Image in Line with the Branding of Shopping Spaces in Tabriz City, Iran [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Tabriz The Study of Condition and the Intensity of Lower Level Temperature Inversion in Tabriz of 2004-2008 [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Tabriz Urban Public Realms and their Impact on Deteriorated Fabric; The Case Study of District 8 of Tabriz Metropolis, Iran [Volume 35, Number 3]
:: Tabriz Identifying Factors Affecting the Improvement of Social Relations in the Urban Space under the Influence of the Place-making Approach in Ferdous Neighborhood of Tabriz [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Tabriz metropolis Assessing the Role of Spatial Structure of Metropolises in Environmental Resilience of Tabriz Metropolis by Fuzzy MABAC Method [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Tabriz. Peoples Attitude Toward Urban Tourism Development Evidences From Zones 7 and 10 of Tabriz [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Tabriz. Evaluation of Spatial Inequalities in Urban Regions From the Perspective of Social Justice (Case Study: Regions Ten Districts of the City of Tabriz) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: TecDem Model. Assessment of watershed Tectonic Activities in Southwest Side of Sabalan by Geomorphologic Characteristics [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Tehran Identification and Ranking the Criteria for Sustainable Smart Tourism Growth in Tehran [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Tehran Eco-friendly Public Transportation Scenarios of Tehran Metropolitan in 2031 Horizon [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Tehran Geographical Investigating of Crime in Central Business District (CBD) [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Tehran Stakeholder Conflicts in Regeneration of Urban Spaces; a Case Study of 30 Tir Street of Tehran, Iran [Volume 38, Number 1]
:: Tehran Model of Recreating Old Urban Textures with Emphasis on Strategic Methods of Sustainable Income of Tehran City Central Context [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Tehran The Effects of Urban Transportation Infrastructures on the Spatio-temporal Growth of Tehran Metropolitan Area [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Tehran Good Governance Indicators of Tourism in the 22nd District of Tehran [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Tehran City Vulnerability of the Southern Areas of Tehran City to Earthquake Using Layer Overlay System [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Tehran Core Periphery. Analysis of Problems Arising from Interference of Tehran City and Neighboring Cities Administrative and Political Areas [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tehran District 2 Explanation of Child-Friendly City Principles with the attitude of the Urban Environment Improvement using Delphi Method in District 2 of Tehran [Volume 36, Number 2]
:: Tehran Metropolis Explaining the Situation of Tehran Metropolis Based on Urban Innovation System [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Tehran Metropolis. Explaining the Effects of Climate Elements in Tehran’s Metropolis Air Quality [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Tehran Municipality. Economic Challenges of Delay in Construction Projects and Its Solutions The Case of Construction Projects in Tehran’s Road Sector [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tehran Municipality. Proposal of Financing the Revenue System of Municipalities and Proposing a Framework (Case Study: Tehran Municipality) [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Tehran city The spatial distribution pattern of urban services Measurement in fifth region Of Tehran using Entropy and Williamson models [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Tehran metropolis Developing a Model of Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Urban Management System (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Tehran metropolis . An Analyzing of the Physical- Spatial Growth Pattern of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Tehran metropolitan city. Space-Time Analysis of Mortality from Gastric Cancer in Tehran [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Tehran. Investment on Employment in Under Developed Areas of the Country for Reduction of Tehran’s Difficulties [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Tehran. Spatial Modeling to Predict the Traffic Flow in Organizing Transportation in Tehran [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tehran. Relearning from the Pre-planned Capital, Chandigar, for the future of Tehran [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tehran. Evaluation of Temperature Inversion Indicators in Boundary Layer(Case Study: Tehran, Iran) [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Tehran. An Approach to Socio-Spatial Planning and Organizing of Tehran, Based on Analysis the Behavior of Vulnerable Women [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Teleconnection Patterns. Drought Monitoring in Iran by Palmer Severity Drought Index (PDSI) and Correlation with Oceanic Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Temperature. Thermal Zoning of Sunflower planting Dates in the Province of Isfahan [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Terrain Impact Factor Optimization of Export Coefficient Model Based on Precipitation and Terrain Impact Factors [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: The Turkish language. The Study of the Relationship Between Linguistic Identity and Place Names (Case Study: The Mountains in Khalkhal) [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: The “Law of Cosines” The Angles of Building Orientation for Solar Energy Use; a Case Study of Tehran City, Iran [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Thermal Comfort Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Tourism Climate Index in Isfahan Province [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Torqabeh Assessment and Analysis of the Quality of Tourism Services in Rural Areas from the Perspective of Tourists; the Case Study of Torqabeh Villages in Binaloud City [Volume 35, Number 4]
:: Touran protected area The Importance of Biodiversity and Natural Attractions in the Development of Ecotourism Case Study: Touran Protected Region [Volume 35, Number 2]
:: Tourism Small and Medium Businesses in the Shemiranat Tourist villages [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Tourism The Role of Ecotourism in Job Opportunities and Income [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Tourism development By study on the challenging and stratehes of the rural tourism development [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Traditional Houses of Tabriz Characterizing imageability in Gajar houses of Tabriz [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Trans Positivism Recognizing the Functions of Hegelian Government in Organizing the Political Economy of Geographical Space [Volume 34, Number 2]
:: Trend Annual Variation of Daily Precipitation Statistics of Zanjan during Last Decades [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Trend . Climate Precipitation of Azerbaijan Republic [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Trend. Global Warming and Atmospheric Thickness of the Lower Half [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Trend. Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Precipitation in Iraq [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Underground Water Monitoring of the Rafsanjan City Subsidence and Its Possible Causes [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Uraman Villages. Analyzing of the Impact of Tourism on sustainable livelihoods of rural residents (Case Study: Uraman Village of Sarvabad city) [Volume 33, Number 1]
:: Urban Flood Assessing Urban Resilience Against Flood Risk; a Case Study of “Water and Electricity” Neighborhood in Mashhad City, Iran [Volume 36, Number 1]
:: Urban Management Investigation and Analysis of the Satisfaction Rate of the Citizens of the City Council of the Municipality and the Yield [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Urban Organization. The Role of Vibrant Markets in Organizing Tehran [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Urban Planning Urban Livability in District 22 of Tehran City, Iran [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Urban Planning Students Evaluation of Students' Cognitive Maps from an Urban Perspective as a Mental Image Output [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Urban Smart Growth Indicator Ranking and relative comparison of Ahvaz metropolitan regions in terms of urban smart growth available indicators [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Urban Transportation Infrastructure. Analysis of Security Fundamentals and Remarks in Urban Transportation Infrastructurein iran metropolitans [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Urban Water Facilities Analysis of Passive Defense Considerations in Urban Infrastructure With an Emphasis on Water Infrastructure [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Urban expansion. Evaluation of the Utility of Satellite Cities Annexation to Karaj Metropolitan as a Strategy for Urban and Regional Integrated Management [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Urmia Spatial Justice Analysis on the Access of Vulnerable Groups to Neighborhood Parks in Urmia [Volume 36, Number 4]
:: Urmia City Planning and Formulating Solutions for the Realization of Creative Cities in Iran (Case Study: Urmia City) [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Urmia City Using Spatial Justice in Spatial Distribution of Health Services in Iranian-Islamic Cities; Case Study of Urmia [Volume 36, Number 3]
:: Utilizing of water. Evaluation of the Indigenous and Modern Management Styles: The Case of Arsenjan County, Fars Province [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Vegetation Effects of aspect and elevation on carbon sequestration process in Tehran Suburbs vegetation [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Views of Citizens An Analysis on the Urban Identity Element of Sabzevar with Emphasis on the Views of Citizens [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Vikor Method Physical Expansion Pattern of Bushehr City, Iran [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: Vikor Model Determining the Behavioral Pattern of Security Reinforcement in the Islamic Republic of Iran by VIKOR Model [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: Vikor Model Social and Economic Resilience of Ilam city against Natural Hazards [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Villages in Ardebil Dimensions of Space Justice Effect on Quality of Ardebil City Villages Rural Life [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Volume of Blocks Analysis of the Effect of Urban Block Morphology on Wind Flow [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Volume of Glaciers The Role of Iran's Glaciers on River Flows and an Estimate of Their Volumes [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Vulnerability. Evaluation of Natural- Structural Resilience of urban land use (Case Study: Region 1 Tehran) [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: WEAP Conservation Practices of Groundwater Resources in Arid Region and Water Scarcity Adaptation; Case Study of Birjand Plain [Volume 34, Number 4]
:: WRF Investigating the relationship between the frequency of thunderstorms and temperature trend in Mashhad [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: WRF Model Verification of WRF model On Accuracy and Precision of Various Schemes and Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast in Iran [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: WRF model Investigation on Synoptic-Dynamic patterns of Heavy and Convective or No convective Precipitation Events in the Southern Coasts of Caspian Sea Using WRF Model [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Water Scarcity Crisis Social Responsibility of Universities in the Environmental Field and Solving the Water Shortage Crisis in Iran [Volume 39, Number 1]
:: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Barriers to Decision-Making about Water, Food and Energy Resources According to Climate Changes; Applying the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Method [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Wayfinding Recognition the Role of Urban Landmarks in the Process of Tourist Wayfinding with Different Familiarity with the Environment; Case Study of Paeeinkhiaban Neighborhood of Mashhad City, Iran [Volume 35, Number 1]
:: Weighting Method Climatological Capability of Saffron Cultivation in Kermanshah and Kurdistan Provinces [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: West of iran Geomorphic and land cover assessment of dust sources affecting the west and North-West Iran [Volume 34, Number 1]
:: Wet and arid climates. Study of Optimized Sediment Rating Equation in Humid and Arid Climates [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Wind Erosion Identification and Monitoring of Sand and Dust Storms Sources (SDSS) in East Azarbaijan Province [Volume 38, Number 3]
:: Wind power density Feasibility of Wind Power Energy in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province Selected Stations [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Yasouj city. Identifying Key Factors in the Physical Development of Cities with a Focus on Spatial Justice (Case Study: Yasuj City) [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Yasuj City Explaining the Effects of Participatory Urban Planning in Increasing Livability and Quality of Urban Life [Volume 39, Number 3]
:: Yazd City Assessment of Mixed Use Status in Urban Street and Strategies for It's Promote (Case Study: Kashani Street in Middle Texture of Yazd City) [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Yazd City Evaluating the Amount of Satisfaction from Historical Context Recreating Projects of Cities with the Approach of Local Communities Case Study: Kavir Hamsayegi Complex in the Yazd City [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Yazd City Modeling the Approach of the Right to the City in Urban Space, Yazd City [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: Yazd city. Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Educational Services in the City of Yazd [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Yazd province. Projection of Water Supply and Demand in Yazd Province Using the General Regional Equilibrium Pattern [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Yusef Abad Neighborhood Compilation of Branding Strategies Using the Smart City Approach Based on Economic Dimensions [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Zab Lake Basin. Examine the Balance Between the Atmosphere Changes Affecting Zab Basin Storms [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Zabol City [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Zahedan Effective Indicators on the Realization of Land Use Pattern and Future Expansion of Zahedan Urban Areas in its Comprehensive Development Plan [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Zahedan Driving Indicators in the Regeneration of Informal Settlements in Zahedan City, Iran [Volume 37, Number 4]
:: Zahedan Analysis of bus service performance and its role in urban transportation, the case of Zahedan City [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Zahedan Investigating the Role of Diversity Index in the Quality of Urban Environment Emphasizing the Role of Market (Case Study: Rasouli Crossroad Market of Zahedan) [Volume 37, Number 2]
:: Zahedan City The Role of Social Capital in the Physical Development of the Five Regions of Zahedan [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Zahedan City Examination and Determination of the Central Cores of Zahedan City Using Geographic Information System (GIS) [Volume 38, Number 4]
:: Zahedan City Explanation and Spatial Analysis of Causes and Consequences of Construction Infractions Case Study: Zahedan City [Volume 33, Number 2]
:: Zahedan city Physical Planning with a Passive Defense Approach in the City of Zahedan [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Zakhiroyeh District Villages Assessment and Measurements of Social Capital Status; a Case Study of Zakhiroyeh District Villages [Volume 34, Number 3]
:: Zanjan City Indigenous Requirements Set for Development of Religious-Historical Tourism in Zanjan, Iran [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: Zanjan Temperature Investigating and Modeling of Time Series of Zanjan Temperature (1956 – 2005) [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Zanjan province The Feature of Abhar, a Medium Sized City, Its Role and Function on Spatial Development of Zanjan Province [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Zayanderood The Comparative Analysis of Urban Furniture of Karoon and Zayanderood Riversides [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Ziyarat Basin. Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Neo tectonic Activity the Index on Morphotectonic in the Catchment Ziyarat [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Zoning Evaluation, Prediction and Regional Analysis of Floods Using Data Mining Models (Frizi Watershed) [Volume 39, Number 2]
:: Zoning Studying Temporal-Spatial Changes of Frost in Zayanderoud Basin [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: airline industry An analysis on the effects of Air Transportation industry and the development of Religious Tourism (Case study: Mashhad Airport) [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: arly hills. Indigenous knowledge application of geomorphological effects (river mudding) and its role in maintaining water and soil [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: boundary How Geopolitics of Iran has influenced on good boundary [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: centralization. Evaluation of Effects of Centralization and Immigration In Increasing Ecological Footprint of Tehran [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: city Dalahoo. Assessment and grading Brnhvh spatial attraction factors in attracting tourists and using TOPSIS Case Study (Dalahoo) [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: city of Isfahan The Application of new technologies in Spatial Analysis and locating parking [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: city of Isfahan. An Investigation on Finding Appropriate Places for Building Public Parking to Decrease City Traffic (Case Study: Central Area of Isfahan) [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: community involvement. community –based consequences, community –based management, community involvement. [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: crisis. The Impact of Geopolitical Interests of Iran and Saudi Arabia on Regional Challenges in Southwest Asia [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: drainage pattern Evaluating the effect of tectonic in the morphometric characteristics of drainage systems and triangular facets of Danehkhosk anticline [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: earthquake Spatial Analysis of Physical Resilience Components of Ilam City against Earthquake with a Futuristic Approach [Volume 37, Number 1]
:: elections and Mamasani. Explanation of electoral Competition Tribe-based in the Framework of the Model of Core-Periphery Case Study: Eighth,Ninth and Tenth Elections in the Mamasani Constituency [Volume 33, Number 3]
:: esirability. Evaluation of Spatial- locative Appropriateness of Yazd's Mehr Housing Plan1 [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: fuzzy Grading of rural development with fuzzy multi-criteria decision making method (case study:shahrekord, Saman part ) [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: humidity areas of Iran Analyzing the Spatial-Temporal Changes of Annual Precipitation of Iran [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: long term mean. Identification of the spatial-temporal anomalies sea level pressure [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: modeling. Land use/cover change detection in 2025 with CA-Markov chain model (case study: Esfarayen) [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: moran's factor. Analysing Of Sptaial Distribution Of The Home Price in Mashhad City [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: nineteen district. Study of Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Services, with an Emphasis on Urban Management (Case study: the neighborhoods of nineteen district of Tehran) [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: potential height. A Synoptic Survey of Cyclone Activity over Iran in 1992 [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: precipitation Variance. Climatology of Iran Precipitation by using Harmonic Analysis Method [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: regions of Isfahan Determining the degree of enjoyment of cultural indicators in Isfahan urban areas [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: regression. Reconstructing over a century of annual temperature of Quercus Persica ‎tree rings in Zagros Forests (Case Study of Dena Region) [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: rice cultivation. An analyzing of Traditional participations and its effects on Iran’s rural area (Case study : A method of rice cultivation in the Shhryar village of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province ) [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: south zagros. Analysis of atmospheric conditions associated with summer rainfall in south zagros Case Study: Rainfall 6-12 September 2008 [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: southeast of Iran. Analysis of Synoptic Patterns and Vertical Profiles of Air in Heavy Rainfall in Transitional Periods: A Case Study of Heavy Rainfall Occure in South East of Iran, Oct. 2011 [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: support vector machine Object-based and pixel-based methods in land cover changes detection using Landsat and Worldview imagery (case study: West of Tehran) [Volume 38, Number 2]
:: sustainable village management Spatial Analysis of the Impacts of Land Use, Climate, and Water Resources on the Sustainability of Villages in the Mond Watershed [Volume 39, Number 4]
:: the southern coasts of Caspian Sea Investigation on temperature in sea- air interaction of Caspian Sea for heavy and super heavy precipitation in the southern coasts [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: transition probability matrix. The analyze occurrences daily precipitation probability in Iran and forecast by using Markov chain model [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: trend on precipitation climatology of Afghanistan [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: ‎Ardebil Province. ‎ The Analysis of Spatial Distribution Pattern of Ardabil Province ‎Industries ‎by Using Spatial Statistics in GIS Environment [Volume 34, Number 1]