Volume 34, Issue 1 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(1): 143-152 | Back to browse issues page
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sepidnameh H. Archaeological Research on the Location Determination, Development and Destruction of Ziz city. GeoRes 2019; 34 (1) :143-152
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Department of Archaeology, Conservation Faculty, Art University, Isfahan, Iran ,
Abstract   (3979 Views)

Introduction and Background: Despite the long history of urbanization in Iran, urbanization trend in mountainous areas such as Kohgiluyeh region has not received considerable attention yet. According to historical sources, Kohgiluyeh region during the Islamic period has witnessed the emergence of the city of Ziz in the geographical area between Arjan and Semirom.
Aims: The present research aims to determine the location of Ziz, the relative chronology of the city settlment, and the causes of its formation and destruction.
Methodology: The research method is descriptive-analytic and historical-analytic.Based on linguistic information, study of historical sources, the ecosystem of the region, field research, and study of archaeological findings, the location of Ziz and the causes of its deterioration and collapse are investigated and identified in this research
Conclusion: According to the archaeological survey conducted, Ziz is located on the hillside of Mt. Damah on the historical site of Zizenseh in Zizi village in Boyer-Ahmad city. archaeological evidence such as pottery and coins, architectural studies, and historical and geographical sources indicate residence in this city and its prosperity from the first to the sixth century (Islamic calendar). The most important reason for the formation of Ziz can be the rich ecosystem and economic products such as meat and walnut and its location on Arjan communication route to Semirom and Isfahan. However, the most important reason for its collapse is the devastating attacks of the Nizari Ismailis in the fifth century.


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