Volume 31, Issue 2 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(2): 62-75 | Back to browse issues page
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Saraei M H, Dasta F, Hazeri M. Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Educational Services in the City of Yazd. GeoRes 2016; 31 (2) :62-75
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1- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University,Yazd,Iran
2- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam-e-Noor University ,Yazd ,Iran ,
Abstract   (5339 Views)

Introduction: In recent years, the rapid growth of large cities in developing countries, led to inequality services and lack of social justice at the regional and national level. If the distribution of urban services are balanced, all group of society will be benefit. The distribution of facilities and services and their quality is inextricably linked with social welfare. Social justice in cities led to the Citizen satisfaction and will contribute to political stability and national sovereignty. Today many efforts has been done  to enhance the quality of life and social justice and move towards sustainable development in cities and  having appropriate  access to these services play an important role in achieving the above objectives. Inadequate distribution of urban services result unbalanced distribution of population in town. Fair distribution of urban facilities and easy access to them cause spatial justice and environment justice in urban space. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution of educational services and spatial equity in the allocation of educational services in the areas of Yazd city. Therefore, this paper attempts to answer the following question: Is the spatial distribution of the educational centers in Yazd city is inappropriate?

Methodology: To answer the research questions models were used to analyze the spatial distribution of urban services. Research methodology in this paper is descriptive- analysis method, It contains maps  for different regions of Yazd city, maps for municipal districts and neighborhoods, maps for training centers, including nursery, primary, Middle and high schools throughout the  Yazd city. The population in Yazd city were collected from comprehensive and detailed plan. Techniques used in this research entropy coefficient, the Gini coefficient, Moran coefficient, the public coefficient G and the nearest vicinity. Moran and public coefficients G and analyzing the nearest vicinity as well as maps of functional radius from training centers is calculated by GIS. Entropy Coefficient Gini coefficient and has been calculated in Excel. In this study use quantitative analysis. Statistical methods and mathematical analysis techniques have been used too. Part of needed data are collected by library method and the other part of data is collected by referring to resources and organizations.

Conclusion: Entropy and the Gini coefficient show inequality and imbalances in the distribution of training centers in Yazd. In other words, there is not spatial equity in the distribution of these centers in Yazd city. Moran coefficient shows the pattern of distribution educational centers in Yazd city are random. General G index also showed that the spatial pattern of training centers is random pattern to the high concentration (hot spot). In fact, areas with high educational center near each other focused and areas with less central of training are not interconnected. The results showed that the distribution of primary, secondary and high schools in the Yazd city are irregular and clusters, and distribution of kindergarten is a random pattern. This result show that the formation of training centers have taken without planning. Study shows that per capita use in training centers in most areas are lower than the standard per capita. Studies show that the per capita of kindergarten is lower in this sector are we facing a shortage of services. In addition, lower per capita in the region of 1-2 and the highest amount per capita is in the region 2-2. We are not faced with a shortage of per capita at primary school in Yazd addition, lower per capita is in the region of 3-2 and the highest is in the region of 1-1. Also study show that we are facing a shortage of per capita at secondary schools in the Yazd city. But area with a surplus of per capita is the region of 2-2 and other areas are facing with shortage of p.c. Evaluation of high school shows we are facing a shortage of per capita in Yazd city. But area with a surplus of per capita is the region of 1-2 and other areas are facing with shortage of p.c. Difference between minimum and maximum per capita shows inequalities and lack of equity in the distribution of educational services in Yazd city. Also analysis of functional radius show that all citizens have easy access to high school while access to other services not possible for all citizens easily.

result: In general, the results show that the distribution and spatial distribution of educational centers in the Yazd city is inappropriate. However, access of city residents to high school is relatively good, but even this stage is also faced with a shortage of capita. Urban management and other organizations must organize their strategies to provide fair and efficient distribution for training centers. In this context, proposals will be presented. Create kindergarten, in different areas, Establish training centers (elementary, middle and high school) according to population and shortage of per capita in each area with the help of donors, the private sector and the public sector. Suitable location for construction of new training centers. Systematic approach in the distribution and arrangement of training centers in Yazd city
