Volume 31, Issue 2 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(2): 165-179 | Back to browse issues page
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Fallah Ghalhari G A, Rostamian M. Feasibility of Wind Power Energy in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province Selected Stations. GeoRes 2016; 31 (2) :165-179
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1- Hakim Sabzevari University
2- University of Zanjan , mrostamian1394
Abstract   (4710 Views)

Introduction: Iran is rich in renewable and unrenewable energy resources. Iran's geographical position makes it a great source of energiessuch as solar and wind power energy. Increasing of need to the energy, limitation of fuel burn resources, increasing of the environment pollution due to fuel burns consumption, global warming, acid rainfall defluxion, necessity of equipoise of carbon dioxide diffusion and reduction of fuel burn consumption have been increased pay attention to renewable energy resources. Among renewable energies, wind power is one the best resource to acquire electrical energy. This energy doesn't infect the environment.The conventional energy resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, or nuclear are finite and generate pollution. In contrast, the renewable energy sources like wind, solar, biomass and geothermal are clean and frequently available in nature.The wind as one of the bestfacile of renewable energies is very important for use instead of fossil fuels. Due to the uncertainty of the prediction of the energy production, it is important to have additional information about prone area to produce the electrical energy. Iran as a developing country needs to new sources of clean energy. Wind energy is very useful because of its low environmental impact and high sustainability. The mainly aim of this research is an assessment of wind power situation and an evaluation of wind energy potentialin Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province in Iran. 

Data and Method: The area under study of this research is Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province that is located at southern west of the country. This region covers 1% of total country area. Due to geographical and topographical characteristics, the climate condition is variable and there is different climate in this region. The annual precipitation is affected by Mediterranean systems and Soudan low pressure. Wind data used in this study were obtained at 10 meters above ground level from Iranian Meteorological Organization at three-hour intervals in 27 years statistical period.Wind speed and direction were averaged over tree-hour periods. Then, Data were arranged annually in Excel software. Wind measurements are available from 1988 to 2014. The wind speed was recorded in knots. Consequently, the data units were converted to m.s-1. Weibull probability distribution function was used to calculate the probability of the data. The frequencies of each wind velocity category were extracted at different times. For calculating the Weibull parameters, Ordinary Least Squares method was used. First Chi-square testwas performed for all stations of the study area. Then, the stationsthatdid not follow from Weibulldistribution were excluded. For calculating the Weibull parameters, Ordinary Least Squares method was used. Using the one-seventh law, wind data in 10 meters converted to 50 meters.

Results and Discussion: The wind power potential in 10 meters height was obtained in Borujen, shaherkord andKoohrang200.12, 167.41,154.68 W.m-2,respectively. Results showed that wind power potential is increasing with heightinallstations. The resultssuggestthat, the potential forwind energyproduction in Borujen is more than Koohrang and Shahrekord stations.The highest wind power density at all three stations was obtained in winter.In annual scale, wind existence hours in Shahrekord, Borujen and Koohrang were obtained 3404.4, 3476.1 and 2775.6, respectively.Consequently, the highest wind existence hour in annual scale is related to Borujen station and the lowest wind existence hour is belonged to Koohrang station. The most important consequence of the study can be summarized as follows: 1) among the three selected station,Borujen is most suitable for electric wind production. 2) The Weibull distribution presented here showed a good fitness with the observed data. 3) Winter season have the highest wind power density. 4) January and March months are the two months that the average wind speeds are the highest over the year.


The obtained results of this research showed that between the selected stations, the highest Rated Wind velocity in annual scale is related to Borujen station. In this station, Rated Wind velocity in 10 and 50 meters reaches to 9.83 and 12.32 m.s-1, respectively.The lowestRated Wind velocity belonged to Koohrang station by 9.35 m.s-1 in 10m height. For this reason, Borujen city is an appropriate site to product of wind energy. Results also showed that the highest Probabilistic Wind velocity is related to Borujen station with values of 4.51 and 5.64 m.s-1 in the heights 10 and 50 m, respectively. It is important to note that wind velocity probability in the height between 2 to 150 m in Borujen and Shahrekord is more than Koohrang station. The highest wind density in 10 m height belonged to Borujen station. Results also showed that in three selected stations, the highest wind power density was obtained in winter season. In the monthly scale and in Shahrekord and Borujen stations, the highest wind power density were observed in March while in Koohrang was seen in January.
