One of the most important aspects of sustainable development is sustainable agriculture. Therefore, nowadays, achieving a sustainable agricultural system is an important policy in agriculture department of countries. The main objective of this study is identifying factors affecting stability of rice cultivation in the city of Shirvan and Chardavol in Ilam province. This study was a survey and is descriptive correlation. Chardavol of rice production in the region is considered as a case study area has been selected. The city Rice planter N=2550 number of Shirvan Chardavol Township of Ilam province, one of the most effective areas persons were selected as the statistical community. Among these 185 people sampling stratified Multi-stage random using the formula Cochrane (d = 0.07 and p = q = 0.5) as sample statistics were selected for collecting the required information from farmers, a questionnaire, developed Content validity was confirmed by the panel of experts.
Finally, data acquired using a special formula of Cronbach alpha software SPSS, credit research questionnaire for all sections 0.80, respectively. The results showed that most of farmers Rice planter are middle-aged and illiterate. The results also show that 67.82 percent of Rice planter has the middle of knowledge about sustainable agriculture and most of them are nearly 42.01 percent, a moderate attitude towards sustainable rice cultivation.
The results of the correlation between variables shows a significant negative relationship between the stability of rice cultivation with age, farming experience, there is a history of rice cultivation, there is also a significant positive relationship between rice cultivation and variables such as stability, extent of lands owned, area of land under rice cultivation, social participation, sustainable agriculture knowledge, attitude, level of promotional contacts.