Volume 27, Issue 3 (2012)                   GeoRes 2012, 27(3): 111-134 | Back to browse issues page
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Nohegar A. Geomorphological evolutions of river network components in the formation and evolution of delta (Case Study: Hormoz strait north deltas (Shour, Jalaby and Hassan-Langi). GeoRes 2012; 27 (3) :111-134
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Authors Ahmad Nohegar *
Department of Range and Watershed Management,Hormozgan University ,
Abstract   (3744 Views)
World''s coastlines are the most dynamic natural environments and diverse extraordinary and unique processes are active in this area. One of results of these processes is the formation and evolution of alluvial fans and delta. The studied areas include Hormoz Strait coastal، Shour، Jalaby and Hassan-Langi river delta; which in the form of a strip with a varying width covers the areas from the change line of the mountain slope dominating the coastal plain to the sea coastline. Strip of coastal plain was made by sediments that were transported by rivers of northern plain mountain basins and the Hormozgan Zagros Mountains and were deposited on the surface of the plain. According to previous studies، Hormoz Strait coastal plain has been created by geological structure effect and delta depositional. The geology structural effect plays the most significant role in the development of the coastal plain. To achieve results، according to research findings and from the perspective of risk area deltas surfaces has been zoned based on the dynamics of river and sea water movements. Analyses to achieve results were mainly based on indirect observations obtained from satellite images and direct observation carried out by detailed field studies and sampling of sediment from sections of river in coastal and surfaces of deltas and profiles created with the help of statistical methods and geomorphologic models that were considered as conceptual tools. To sum up، first، instability of the delta regions surface affected by the meandering movements and their instability resulted from the change in river paths were analyzed and investigated and their distribution are shown in the satellite images and maps.