Volume 34, Issue 1 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(1): 121-130 | Back to browse issues page
Article Type:
Descriptive & Survey |

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saeidirezvani N, pournasir M, ghaseri F, mousavi karkavandi S N. Evaluation of the Utility of Satellite Cities Annexation to Karaj Metropolitan as a Strategy for Urban and Regional Integrated Management. GeoRes 2019; 34 (1) :121-130
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1- Department of Architecture & Urbanism, Faculty of Urbanism, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran ,
2- Department of Environment and Territory, Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy
3- Department of Technical and Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran
4- Department of Architecture & Urbanism, Faculty of Urbanism, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Abstract   (3674 Views)
Aims & Backgrounds: Urban management is one of the pivotal elements of urban life, which has wide-ranging challenges surrounding its approaches; so that, it is one of the major concerns of metropolitan cities and the city of Karaj as well. One of the approaches is the annexation of the peripheral regions of the city in order to strengthen integrated management.
The grand objective of this research is the existence or absence of the need for the annexation of peripheral cities to the Karaj metropolis, and also the possibility or impossibility of realization of the merger based on the views of the management and urban elite community and according to valid opinions about the subject of the project.
Methodology: examine the plans and programs at the regional, district and local levels in order to clarify all the aspects of problems.
Findings: In the next step, the available internal and external resources and studies in connection with the annexation or creation of satellite cities at the national and global levels reflecting the experiences, strengths and weaknesses surrounding the research subject  were used then, the indicators  including  physical - spatial, demographic, socio-cultural, economic, political - administrative, environmental, traffic and services in the metropolises in the Karaj metropolis and the cities of Mahdasht, Mohammad Shahr, Meshkin dasht, Kemal Shahr and Garmdareh, were evaluated using related statistical tests during the last three decades and the final part of the research focused on producing and presenting scenarios and choosing the best scenario.
Conclusion: According to the outcomes of the research, it seems that conscious annexation of the Centers that are close to the main core, From the point of view of management, Is the best way to strengthen the integrity of urban and regional management.

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