Volume 34, Issue 2 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(2): 245-255 | Back to browse issues page
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Jafari G H. Geomorphological Challenges of Systematic Attitude. GeoRes 2019; 34 (2) :245-255
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Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran ,
Abstract   (3775 Views)
Aims & Backgrounds: Understanding the geomorphological issues depend on the type of researcher's perspective. The habit of today is that what is seen can be taken as a whole and treated as a system. However, what is considered as a whole and a system is only a part of a complex system and it has played a role in landform evolution and even if it considered as a hole, it lacks of environmental body. This study aimed to investigate the geomorphological challenges of systematic attitude.
Methodology: The methodology of this research was based on the analysis and explanation. With this approach, first, through the knowledge of available research on geomorphological systems and the strengths and weaknesses of the results of a systematic approach in geomorphology studies, the available resources in relation to science and philosophy of science were investigated and they were analyzed from the modernity to postmodernity era. Discussions on space analysis, especially in geography, were reviewed. Finally, the combination of findings from the above sources was analyzed and explained considering the geomorphological studies in Iran over the last few decades.
Findings: The necessary condition to be beneficial of scientific research for human society is revealing a small part of the real world unknowns. It is true that human knowledge is always incomplete and imperfect and remains incomplete and as the point of human life has been revealed, the background to the emergence of many unknowns has been provided; but in the light of the same incomplete sciences, human has succeeded in inventing and constructing a lot of things that have made life more accessible. Usually, phenomena occur in geomorphic domains and they are appearing in geomorphologic basins.
Conclusion: The best way to understand the general geomorphic events is to select the number of separate geomorphologic landscapes that operate on a certain part of the planet and put them together in order to examine the effectiveness of their obvious and hidden layers in the development of landforms in a comprehensive and precise manner.

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