Volume 32, Issue 3 (2017)                   GeoRes 2017, 32(3): 100-113 | Back to browse issues page
Article Type:
Descriptive & Survey |

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Karimizadeh Ardakani S. community –based consequences, community –based management, community involvement.. GeoRes 2017; 32 (3) :100-113
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Postgraduate of Sociology, Research And Technology ALe_Taha Institute Of Higher ,
* Corresponding Author Address:
Abstract   (4829 Views)

The goal of this article is sociological exploration of community–based management in prosperity of social services to citizens and the consequences of this method of management. Taking community-based management into account is necessary in order to achieve collaboration and social participation opportunities for people. Principles such as down-up planning, collective participation and fair distribution of facilities are possible through “community-based development” and urban community planning. In this research, sociological exploration of community-based consequences have been studied in Tehran management (Case study: Ozgol, Janat Abad, Hakimieh, and Khani Abad communities, Tehran) Research method is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sample size includes 44 observer units, four managers in studied communities, 20 members of community councils, and 20 individuals who use community services. Sample size in qualitative method is 400 individuals using Cochran formula. The research has six hypotheses where first four hypotheses were studied by quantitative method while the last two hypotheses were measured by qualitative method. In qualitative section of the research, major phenomena (social changes, social anamolies, community-based development, and lack of community-based development) were obtained using various coding systems and sociological exploration of effective cause conditions, contextual and intervening conditions, and various strategies on the phenomenon and finally phenomenon consequences were studied. In quantitative section, some results were obtained using surveys, such as medium level of collaboration of residents for implementing this project. Community based policy making, as one of social change contexts, has itself been able to create valuable changes in residential districts of Tehran .Taking advantage of civil moralities for this plan, it has been effective on management of megacity of Tehran and it has been effective on community identity by controlling the tendency to behave abnormaly. Citizens` sense of responsibility has been effective on community based policy making and its consequences, and it has been effective by conveying sense of belonging and community identity .Social satisfaction of people shows a strong link with community-based consequences.


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