Volume 33, Issue 3 (2018)                   GeoRes 2018, 33(3): 124-136 | Back to browse issues page
Article Type:
Descriptive & Survey |

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maryanaji Z, Darvishi M, Abbasi H. Application of Statistical Models and Satellite Imagery in the Evolution of Heat Island in Hamedan City. GeoRes 2018; 33 (3) :124-136
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1- Department of Geography, Sayyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Hamadan, Iran ,
2- Department of Geomatics Engineering, Sayyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Hamadan, Iran
3- Department of Political Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanity Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Abstract   (3656 Views)
Introduction and Background The growth of cities and the increase in the population and the diverse use of urban lands have caused problems for urban communities. One of these is the phenomenon of heat islands, which is the result of an unusual temperature increase of the city relative to the surrounding countryside.
Aims This research tries to achieve a general view on the heat island mechanism, air temperature changes and urban temperature changes in parts of Hamadan city by using TIRS (Landsat 8 satellite images) and comparing it with actual ground level data by statistical methods.
Methodology The temperature difference of different points from satellite images based on the spectral radiance method and the degree of gray value of pixels in the thermal bond was made using the photo of the Planck equation. Based on the relationship between real data on ground surface temperature at the meteorological station and data extracted from satellite images, according to different regression models, the highest determination coefficient was obtained for three linear, quadratic and cubic correlation methods. Among them, the cubic regression method with the least error was meaningful at 95% confidence level.
Conclusion The high explanatory factor (70% and above) indicates that there is an acceptable coordination between satellite image information and weather station information. The maximum difference between the data taken with the actual ground station data is related to the blanket and minimum temperature of 5.5 and the minimum difference of the green area is 0.5°C. The difference in temperature in different parts of the city is more closely related to the minimum temperature. While the temperature difference in areas covered by green space in Hamadan city with real data is higher at maximum temperature. The results showed that the Hamadan heat islands have a direct relationship with the construction and land use. The temperature changes in different parts of the city of Hamedan are indicative of the creation of heat islands in the non-used building and ground areas. The results of this research can be applied in the management and urban planning and land use of Hamedan.

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