Volume 37, Issue 3 (2022)                   GeoRes 2022, 37(3): 361-368 | Back to browse issues page
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Doughaei M, Mahdinia M, Daneshvar M. Identifying the Factors Affecting the Variations of Urban Settlement patterns Based on Social Ecology in Different Dimensions by Content Analysis Method. GeoRes 2022; 37 (3) :361-368
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1- Department of Urban Planning & Design, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Islamic Azad University, Emamiyeh Boulevard, Mashhad, Iran (
Abstract   (1476 Views)
Aims: Cities have always been population absorbent because of having specific economic and social characteristics. These geographical movements are not only for immigrants and Residents of cities are also constantly moving to intend to improve their social status. All these socio-spatial variations have profound effects on the pattern of urban settlement which doubles the complexity of the urban planning process. So it is very important to be aware of the factors affecting these variations. Therefore, this paper, through the social ecology approach, identified the factors affecting the urban settlement pattern.
Methodology: The present research has been carried out using content analysis in 2021. The content has been selected from English-language sources from social ecology theorists who have dealt with issues related to urban Settlement and have been published between 1925 to now, so eighteen Primary sources were selected and the process of summarization, coding, and categorization was performed on them. Finally, quantitative analysis was carried out on all units including concepts, categories, and factors.
Findings: The results of the analysis on the first variable, show that the concepts with the social, cultural, and economic approach, respectively, had the highest frequency. The results of the analysis on the second variable, also show that among the ten factors affecting the Settlement pattern, "social distance" and "socio-spatial movement" had the highest frequency. The results of correlation analysis between the ten factors, also show that "social homogeneity" by a direct relationship and strong correlation with six other factors, has the greatest impact on urban settlement patterns.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the final ten factors, through a network of interactives, shape socio-spatial variations and change the pattern of urban settlement.

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