Volume 37, Issue 4 (2022)                   GeoRes 2022, 37(4): 541-548 | Back to browse issues page
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Farhoodian N, Abdollahzadeh Taraf A, Saghafi Asl A, Mirgholami M. Factors Affecting the Mental Image in Line with the Branding of Shopping Spaces in Tabriz City, Iran. GeoRes 2022; 37 (4) :541-548
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1- Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2- Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Islamic Art, Tabriz, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Urbanism, Islamic Azad University, Pasdaran, Tabriz, Iran. Postal Code: 5184997553 (
Abstract   (1323 Views)
Aims: Taking strategy of urban branding is considered the basic need of cities to survive in the global economy. For this purpose, building and managing the city image is necessary because it is through perception and image that actions are formed. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between effective components on the image in the form of a case study including 15 shopping centers in Tabriz.
Methodology: The current research was conducted with the field method and exploratory analysis type in 1401 in the statistical population of Tabriz citizens. By conducting documentary studies in the field of urban branding, the constructive components were identified and formulated in the form of a five-factor model. The relationship between variables was tested using structural equation modeling with partial least squares and data were analyzed using SmartPLS3 software.
Findings:  At a significance level of 0.01, "perceptual quality" and "awareness" have a direct effect on the "mental image" and at level of 0.05, "personal characteristics" have a direct effect on the "mental image". At level of 0.01, "mental image" has a direct effect on "loyalty". 73.8% of the total effect of "perceptual quality" variable, 43.3% of "personal characteristics", 32.1% of "awareness" on "loyalty" is explained through the mediating variable of "mental image".
Conclusion: "Mental image" as the center of gravity in urban branding is directly influenced by three components; "perceptual quality", "personal characteristics" and "awareness". Among these "perceptual quality" is considered the most influential component. "Loyalty" as the final goal of branding is not directly related to aforementioned components and influencing it is possible through the mediation of "mental image". Therefore, the application of design measures in order to improve "perceptual quality" causes the formation of a powerful "mental image" of shopping spaces, which in turn leads to "loyalty" and provides the grounds for branding of such spaces.

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