Volume 34, Issue 2 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(2): 257-268 | Back to browse issues page
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Lashgari Tafreshi E. Recognizing the Functions of Hegelian Government in Organizing the Political Economy of Geographical Space. GeoRes 2019; 34 (2) :257-268
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Department of Ggeography, Human & Social Sciences Campus, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran ,
* Corresponding Author Address: Iran - Yazd- Yazd university- Department of geography
Abstract   (3616 Views)
Aims & Backgrounds: The studies of space political economy in the framework of positivism methodology is often influenced by profit motivation, and analysis of spatial changes is as a result of economic policies independent from government ideology. Marxist geographers have also argued that political sovereignty lacked any structural independence against class relations and the material processes of society shape the political destiny of geographical space. in the studies of political economy in the framework of Hegelian perspective, the role of government actors and agencies is investigated as the forces beyond the elements of civil society in the distribution of public goods and services and policymaking in order to capital accumulation and its subsequent spatial reconstruction at the territorial level. The aim of this study was to investigate and explanation of the most important effective structural symbols and functional processes, constructed by the government in the framework of the Hegelian perspective on national and territorial scales.
Methodology: This descriptive-analytical study with the trans-positivism approach, is seeking to analyze the spatial dialectics in the framework of the function of political sovereignty in the distribution of public goods and national resource allocation at the national scale.
Findings: from the Hegelian perspective, the political economy of space is the result of controlling competition between the guilds and the social classes for access to public goods by the government. In other words, the process of scarce resource allocation based on the ideology of sovereignty government and determination of facility location and its subsequent spatial developments were investigated. Meanwhile, deployment of new forces in decision making in the territorial scale will create the various patterns of the political economy of space and it is not necessarily the result of a social class function or pursuit the interests of the bourgeois class. Accordingly, when the government's function in organizing the space economy in one area is discussed, there is not necessary to merely use of quantitative methods to predict and measuring the political economy of space.
Conclusion: The government-oriented political economy is seeking to describe the ranking and classification of social groups in access to scarce economic resources through planning processes, spatial planning, and analysis of its effects.

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