The market status in this context consists of the measures that affect the performance of financial units. Measures that are beyond the control of the managers of these units. The financial market is one of the defining factors of the financial status of each country, based on which the economical situation of each country could be assessed. Transparency and competitiveness are the factors that lead to a healthy market, foreign and domestic investment in industry, success of productive financial activities and elimination of counterproductive activities. A major reason for the recession that has overshadowed the financial market in recent years, is the lack of interest to invest in industrial sections due to discouraging statistics in this context. This not only directs capital into non-productive sections, but also seriously affects employment in all regions of the country. Which leads to a lot of unemployed people who engage in non-productive activities. The high rate of immigration to Tehran is due to the fact that large amounts of capital are invested in Tehran instead of being invested in productive sections throughout the country. This situation has directly and indirectly affected Tehran and it makes the efforts for organizing Tehran futile. The present study is seeking to analyze the effect of improving financial markets on the vibrancy of industrial units throughout the country with a descriptive and analytical approach. It also seeks to analyze and elaborate the relationship between satisfactory financial markets and decreased immigration rate to Tehran and balanced financial prosperity in various regions of the country as well as relieving the pressure on Tehran and making it easier to organize