Volume 31, Issue 1 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(1): 4-12 | Back to browse issues page
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Ramesht M H, Babajamali F, Ahmadi M. Evolutionary in Geographical Sciences, an Approaches in Nabavy Epistemology Field. GeoRes 2016; 31 (1) :4-12
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1- Department Of Geography, university of Isfahan,Isfahan,Iran , mh. raamesht@gmail. com
2- Department Of Art ,Art University Of Isfahan,Isfahan,Iran
3- Faculty of Earth Sciences ,Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran ,Iran
Abstract   (3990 Views)

The term “Geographic Sciences” has gradually changed into other scientific structures in the form of Geographic Sciences Departments. The educational system of Iran is no exception to delivering this issue in such formats. With no doubt the evolution in this field cannot be restricted to one form and if we do not seek to make fundamental changes in the epistemological foundations in this realm, there will not be any major or effective change that would contribute to the knowledge regarding civilization.Kohen (1962) in this respect announces:
Basic idea was to challenge the traditional view that the development of science takes place by the gradual accumulation of discoveries and inventions. Instead, he suggested that progress occurs in a more irregular way, with revolution occurring by the replacement of one paradigm by another. Therefore, the origin, continuance and obsolescence of paradigms together occupy an important place in the history of evolution of science. If geography is considered as the knowledge of humanity and environment, and the relation between them, the main question that arises is: which section of these two basic elements can contribute to the fundamental evolution in geographic paradigms? This article is a research project conducted at Isfahan University. Based on a scientific method (cinematic), here the history of changes affecting paradigms in geographic sciences is analyzed.The outcomes of this study show that the shifts of human concept determine the evolution knowledge of geography map rough. The evolution of human concepts in Iran geography can effect on civilization filed and can be obtain from Nabavy taught (divine space). 
