Volume 30, Issue 2 (2015)                   GeoRes 2015, 30(2): 243-260 | Back to browse issues page
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Mirlotfi M R, mollanoroozi M. Effects of Khayyam Industrial Township on the Subjective Quality of Neyshabur Villagers lives.. GeoRes 2015; 30 (2) :243-260
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1- Department Of Geography and Rural Planning,Zabol University,Zabol
2- Department Of Geography and Rural Planning,Zabol University,Zabol ,
Abstract   (3657 Views)
Establishment of industries in rural areas in the shape of Industrial Township is recruiting job seekers in these areas and it provides areas for change in the status of rural life. So generally speaking, the construction of industrial Township sustainable employment carries access to greater prosperity and improved quality of life for the villagers. A fundamental question in this connection is, the establishment of industrial zones is essentially what the impact on the quality of rural life can be? Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the effects of Khayyam Industrial Township in the subjective quality of life of villagers using cross - sectional. The subjective quality of life indicators concern to measure the level of satisfaction of individuals and groups. Gathering information and data through documentation and library studies, scientific papers - research, field observations, a questionnaire setting. Information obtained from the use of spss software, were analysed. The results showed that, the one sample t test obtained with significance level, sig=0.000 and  t=46/165. Khayyam Industrial Township was effective on enhancing quality of life for rural. Wilcoxon rank test indicates that there are significant differences between the subjective quality of respondents before and after the settlement of employment. The %77/71 of respondents declared that the
subjective quality of life has improved after working in the industrial estate, and 4/82 percent of the respondents declared that the indicators of subjective quality of life before and after the period of employment in the industrial Township has not changed, and 17/47 percent stated that their quality of life indicators were more favourable prior to employment of the industrial Township.