Volume 34, Issue 3 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(3): 369-376 | Back to browse issues page
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Zangiabadi A, Dadbood A. Prioritization of Effective Factors on Vulnerable Areas of Physical Texture of Gorgan City, Iran. GeoRes 2019; 34 (3) :369-376
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1- Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographic Sciences & Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran ,
2- Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographic Sciences & Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract   (3483 Views)
Aims & Backgrounds: Physical indicators of urban texture such as the age of buildings, microstructure, number of floors and type of building materials have a determinant role in the intensity and extent of the cities vulnerability in the face of earthquakes. Many Iranian cities are located on areas with moderate and high risk of earthquakes. Hence, Special attention to the elements qualities and physical indicators of urban spaces can dramatically reduce the incidence of environmental disasters in Iranian cities. The Gorgan city has 360,000 inhabitant’s population and 3,600 hectares’ area in 2016 that is located on earthquake areas with a relatively high risk. Accordingly, the present research, seeks to vulnerable zones determination of Gorgan city texture in terms of physical indicators and prioritization of affecting physical indicators on its vulnerability.
Methodology: The research is applied and method is descriptive-analytical. The method of data collection is documentary. Four categories of criteria were used to determine the physical vulnerability of urban blocks in Gorgan. For each criterion, the indices were evaluated using AHP, ANP and VIKOR models. Finally, using the VIKOR model, the final composition and physical layer of physical vulnerability of Gorgan were calculated.
 For this purpose, this study have used models such as AHP, ANP and VIKOR.
Findings: Based on VIKOR model results, the highest degree of physical vulnerability is belonging to the central and somewhat southern regions of the city of Gorgan. Meanwhile, the eastern, western and north parts of the city have a better condition. Based on ANP model results, material, building age, number of classes and micro fracture indices, have the highest impact on urban vulnerability assessment of Gorgan, respectively. However, the value of each of these indicators is 0/422, 0/224, 0/176, and 0/126 respectively.
Conclusion: The center of the city of Gorgan is more vulnerable than its surroundings. This is due to worn-out and old materials of city center. On the other hand, the northern and western texture of  Gorgan are in the better situation.

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