Volume 28, Issue 2 (2013)                   GeoRes 2013, 28(2): 195-214 | Back to browse issues page
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Rafei H, Shahnooshi N, Rahnama M R. Study and Ranking of Urban Regions Based on Citizens’ Participation in Origin Separation of Waste by Using several criterion programming (Case Study: Mashhad). GeoRes 2013; 28 (2) :195-214
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1- Jahad University, mashhad ,
2- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract   (3647 Views)
One of the strategies which are considered in recycling materials is origin separation of waste by households، that basis of these projects is households'' cooperation. The objective of this study is evaluation of different urban regions about origin separation of the waste by households and ranking them in Mashhad. The statistics and information required obtained by completing questionnaire from 603 families in Mashhad city in 2009. The results from ranking of regions by using several criterion programming and the compromise programming technique indicate that in terms of participation rate، the regions with average development are placed at the first rank، deprived regions are placed at the second rank، developed regions at third-ranking. At the end، with respect to the results achieved، the executive solutions about increasing the participation of households were presented.