Volume 38, Issue 2 (2023)                   GeoRes 2023, 38(2): 171-180 | Back to browse issues page
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Qualitative Research |

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Haji Nili E, Mohammad Moradi A, Memarian G. Dynamic Conservation of Iran’s Historical Roads. GeoRes 2023; 38 (2) :171-180
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1- Department of Restoration, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract   (918 Views)
Aims: Considering roads just in terms of their connecting role and ignoring their importance as an asset and wealth has led to paying no attention to them as cultural-historical, natural and dynamic places. This study aims to provide a logical framework on how to conserve these historical resources in Iran by taking advantage of global experiences and principles of dynamic conservation.
Methodology The current qualitative study was done using the content analysis method and inductive reasoning process in 2022 and 10 relevant articles were selected. Primary codes on "historical and cultural roads conservation principles" and a "framework to protect historical and cultural roads" were identified and extracted. The analysis process (feedback loop) was done step-by-step according to inductive reasoning and the subcategories were classified into some core categories according to the primary codes' differences and similarities.
Findings: The frequency of those categories relevant to the conservation of cultural routes and historical roads including strategic management, protecting the assets and wealth, sustainable economic development, recognition of assets and wealth, flexibility, and education, development of knowledge and creative interpretation were 44, 37, 24, 17, 15 and 14 times, respectively. While, the frequency of those categories relevant to the framework of the historical and cultural roads conservation including "future decision-making", "recognition of the assets and wealth in the historical road corridors", "networking and synergy, analysis of the historical road importance", "formation of the roads semantic network" and "defining the historical roads corridors" were 26, 20, 16, 14, 8and 2 times.
Conclusion: In order to plan for the historical roads and conserve them dynamically, "defining of the historical road corridor", "formation of the semantic network of the historical road", "recognition of the assets and the wealth and understanding the importance of the historical roads corridor" "the analysis of the historical roads' importance", "networking and synergy" and " decision making for future" were of great importance.

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