Volume 31, Issue 3 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(3): 157-197 | Back to browse issues page
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Jafari G H, vosoughi Rad L, salehi H. The Evaluation of Urban Green Space to Locate Neighborhood Parks. GeoRes 2016; 31 (3) :157-197
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1- Department Of Geography ,Zanjan University,Zanjan,Iran
2- Department Of Climatology, Zanjan University,Zanjan,Iran
3- Department Of Geography & Urban Planning, Zanjan University,Zanjan,Iran
Abstract   (6136 Views)

The growth of cities, increasing urban population and its consequences on one hand and the shortage of land for settlement have resulted in reluctance of municipalities in meeting practical standards of urban green space. Green spaces act as the respiratory system of cities and the lack of them will result in pollution and respiratory problems for the citizens.This study is done to assess the location of urban green spaces to locate a neighborhood park by use of remote sensing systems.To measure per capita green space in the area a normalized differential index was used. The per capita green space in the area was 3/55 square meters, which is significantly low based on standards. From the total 1536 hectares of land in the area, 1190 hectares (77/4%) were perfectly suitable for green spaces.Therefore the results of this study can help local decision makers to prioritize green spaces to solve the problems caused by lack of it.


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