Volume 32, Issue 4 (2018)                   GeoRes 2018, 32(4): 127-137 | Back to browse issues page
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Hassani F, Saeedi Mofrad S. Planning for Regeneration of Urban Brown−Fields with Social Aspect of Place Making Procedure, Case Study of Abkuh Sugar Factory in Mashhad. GeoRes 2018; 32 (4) :127-137
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1- Department of Urban Design and Planning, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract   (5095 Views)
The present paper aims to reveal a redevelopment plan based on the social approach of the place making technique on the industrial site of Abkuh Sugar Factory as an important brown−field in Mashhad city. These types of redevelopment plans can be beneficial for municipalities and local communities by providing a safe and secure environment. In this regard, in order to provide data with a social approach in the place making technique, a questionnaire survey was used with regard for its validity and reliability. For this purpose, the sample size of 380 people was selected from the statistical population of about 62,000 inhabitants of the total area on the site of the Abkouh Sugar Factory based on the Cochran formula. The questionnaires were completed during a week in the fall of 2016. The questionnaire data were first introduced in Excel software, and then the results were analyzed using statistical and inferential analysis to determine the relative requirements of land use and services for designing the studied area. Then, in order to study the effective factors of design, the GIS technique was used to generate maps and databases. Subsequently, using the scenario planning for studying of the future of the area, two main drivers of social perspectives and design factors were considered and three minimal, middle and maximal scenarios were developed. Finally, based on the three main criteria of physical, functional and perceptual assessment as critical factors for futures scenarios, a scenario of a redevelopment plan that was more flexible, accessible, and secure, was selected as a desirable place making plan for the studied area.

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