Ghandehari M, Andalib A, Saeideh Zarabadi Z. Urban Governance Indicators Based on Islamic Principles. GeoRes 2024; 39 (3) :329-337 URL:
1- Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Ibn Sina Building, Islamic Azad University, Shohdaye Hesarek Boulevard, University Square, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1477893855 (
Abstract (259 Views)
Aims: The purpose of this article is to present an analytical framework for urban governance indicators based on the principles of Islam. Islamic principles constitute a comprehensive and extensive value system that determines laws and regulations for individual behavior and social order. Urban governance, as a multidimensional concept encompassing economic, social, and political aspects, significantly influences urban management and is manifested within legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional and managerial structures, and urban plans and programs. Conclusion: The current indicators of urban governance implemented in cities of Iran are derived from global governance indicators and would be so useful based on the implementing according to the principles of the Islamic worldview. The Islamic worldview encompasses principles of monotheism (unity and coherence in urban management and governance), prophethood (guiding the city and its inhabitants towards perfection), resurrection (having environments with strong religious influences), divinejustice (social justice and fair distribution of resources and facilities in cities), and imamate (leadership and urban management based on Islamic values and ethics with reliance on religious democracy).