Volume 28, Issue 2 (2013)                   GeoRes 2013, 28(2): 49-68 | Back to browse issues page
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Esaabadi A, Shahghale S. How Geopolitics of Iran has influenced on good boundary . GeoRes 2013; 28 (2) :49-68
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1- Payam noor University, Komijan Unit ,
2- Payam noor University, Komijan Unit
Abstract   (3872 Views)
Iran passed wide range of events over her controversies history. It has great special geopolitics position، natural resources and cultural values. Iran is in Asia and connects Asia to Europe. Iran as relational bridge has an important role so that it could be an important center during first and Second World War for enemies'' forces in spite of explicit neuter declaration from Iran. Pass way position of Iran and the significant role which it is playing on regional trade and also deep effectiveness and out put on eco-politic in central Asia and Caucasia and Indian Ocean، Persian Gulf، and Anatoly turn it in to sensitive geo politic position. Iran has geographical and economical aptitude with trade economical tendency for government income and it would be out look for removing or absorbing of economical resources where devastating economy activity may be happened. These are important economy issues. Iran has mountainous west border and also desert east boundary that may cause goods contraband and because of long border with neighbors، Iran face to many problems in control of goods contraband imported or exported. Goods smuggling، influences individuals'' economic and social position in general and vulnerable people in particular. It also، hurt their health، employment، and living. If Goods and foreign exchange smuggling are not one of the most important problem in our country، but it is the most important sign of illness which our economy is afflicted to it. In this article، the importance of Iran''s geopolitics in every aspect، and how this position has influenced goods smuggling and its continuity is analyzed. Moreover، how neighbors and their position have influenced this smuggling is analyzed in this study. 