Volume 31, Issue 2 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(2): 180-189 | Back to browse issues page
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Hakim Zadeh M A, Esfandiari M. Climatic Droughts Zoning Using Inverse Distance Weighted Method. GeoRes 2016; 31 (2) :180-189
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1- Yazd University ,
2- Yazd University
Abstract   (3828 Views)

Drought is one of inevitable climatically and harmful characteristics of Iran. Therefore the research and study of this phenomenon will be very necessary. The process of obtaining maps of the climatic zones for all of the localities in the Salt Lake Basin of Iran. For the generation of the climatic records such as rainfall periods and intensity, provided by the 34 climatology stations for a total of 30 years data from (1980-2010), was used as a source of information. These data was then subjected to a statistical analysis, using SPI method for the calculation of the frequency, intensity and duration of drought process. Finally for the mapping drought zoning in all localities of the Salt Lake Basin for the long term period, the Inverse Distance Weighted Method (IDW) was used in the Arc view software environment. The results of evaluations. 
