Volume 35, Issue 1 (2020)                   GeoRes 2020, 35(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page
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Hanaee T. Recognition the Role of Urban Landmarks in the Process of Tourist Wayfinding with Different Familiarity with the Environment; Case Study of Paeeinkhiaban Neighborhood of Mashhad City, Iran. GeoRes 2020; 35 (1) :1-10
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Authors Toktam Hanaee *
Department of Urbanism,Mashhad Branch,Islamic Azad University,Mashhad,Iran ,
Abstract   (3174 Views)
Aims & Background: The destination image of tourism depends on many factors and is very significant in the choice of tourists. The ease of tourists navigating and searching for information in the environment is effective in forming a positive image of the destination. one of the effective factors on the wayfinding process is urban landmarks and, since the number of tourists familiarity differs from the environment, thus the signs are effective in the routing behavior of individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of urban cues in the route selection behavior of people with different familiarity with the environment.
Methodology: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature is survey. Field survey, questionnaire and cognitive map technique were used to collect data. The target group include tourists in the area and in order to answer the research purpose, statistical sample size was 359 people using Cochran formula which was done by purposeful non-random sampling. The analysis of the information has been carried out by compiling and comparing the cognitive maps of the tourists.
Findings: The findings of the study indicate that unfamiliar tourists often have limited knowledge through information familiarity, educational familiarity, and auto-familiarity. In the features of the signs, mystery, excitement and diversity at close range are important to ensure they are on the right track.
Conclusion:  However, familiar tourists have more familiarity with experience, familiarity with proximity, self-esteem, and acquaintance. The multiplicity of signs and the ability to see from long distances are important to them, and people who are familiar need to follow signs from longer distances.

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