Volume 36, Issue 3 (2021)                   GeoRes 2021, 36(3): 263-274 | Back to browse issues page
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Kazemian G, Ali Akbari E, Taleshi M, Hadad Hasanabadi M. Constructive Dynamisms of Large-Scale Urban Projects by the Space Political Economy Approach; a Case Study of Mashhad Metropolis. GeoRes 2021; 36 (3) :263-274
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1- Department of Governmental Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Geography, Graduate Center of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, End of Olympic Village Boulevard, West End of Hemmat Highway, Tehran, Iran (
Abstract   (1438 Views)
Aims: The development of large-scale construction projects has transformed the shape of cities towards specific objectives and based on economic and political perspectives that dominate policy-making and planning in cities. The purpose of the research was to study and analyze the spatiality of Mashhad construction mega-projects and to explain the constructive forces and dynamisms of these projects in the framework of the political economy of space approach.
Methodology: The present descriptive-analytical research was conducted in 2020 in Mashhad. Constructive dynamisms of 164 large-scale urban projects were identified and classified based on theoretical perspectives and through the Delphi technique based on the opinions of 50 elites and subject matter experts, and the model was presented. To test the five-factor model using structural equation modeling, the relationships between variables and generalization of results were discussed. Data were analyzed using SPSS26 and smartpls 3 software and confirmatory factor analysis test.
Findings: Based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the model had an acceptable fit with the data. At the transnational level, the Policy-Management and Programs factor with a factor-load (0.745), at the national-regional level, the institutional-organizational factor with a factor-load (0.802) and at the local level, the economic-political factor with a factor-load (0.772). They are important in the first place. The model had validity and reliability.
Conclusion: The results of research analysis based on the philosophy of creating construction mega-projects in Mashhad within the framework of five identified and consolidated factors indicate the role of drivers of policy dynamisms at the transnational level, institutional-organizational forces at the national-regional level and economic and political forces at the local level.

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