Volume 37, Issue 4 (2022)                   GeoRes 2022, 37(4): 409-416 | Back to browse issues page
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Ghobadi P, Maleki A, Aali S. Analysis of the Effect of Urban Block Morphology on Wind Flow. GeoRes 2022; 37 (4) :409-416
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1- Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. Postal Code: 5137753497 (
Abstract   (762 Views)
Aims: Paying attention to air flow in urban spaces is one of the most important criteria for designing space and improving thermal comfort and air quality in cities, which depending on their climatic conditions can increase the desirability and presence of people in urban spaces. This research aimed to investigate the effect of foure factors related to the morphology of urban blocks (enclosure, block volume, building density, and sky visibility factor) on changes in wind speed and air flow in urban corridors.
Methodology: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. To achieve the goal of the research, a hypothetical area was considered, and a three-dimensional simulation of an arrangement model of urban blocks in different heights (1-15 floors) was conducted by Envi-met software. The wind entering the area was considered at two different angles: zero and 45 degrees. To determine the intensity of correlation between independent and dependent variables, the regression method was used.
Findings: Analysis of the simulations showed that with the increase in block heights, the average wind speed and the formation of wind tunnels in the corridors increase at an angle of 0 and 45 degrees.
Conclusion: The average wind speed in building blocks parallel to the wind direction, is 20-30% higher than when the buildings are placed at an angle to the wind. Also, the wind speed is directly related to the enclosure, the block volume and the building density and inversely related with the sky view factor.

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