Volume 37, Issue 1 (2022)                   GeoRes 2022, 37(1): 15-26 | Back to browse issues page
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Ali Akbari E, Mousakazemi S, Gholami S. Physical Form Coherence from Connectivity Point of View; Case Study of Shiraz, Iran. GeoRes 2022; 37 (1) :15-26
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1- Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Central building of Payame Noor University, Nakhl St., beginning of Naft town, Artesh Boulevard, Mini City,Tehran. (
Abstract   (1167 Views)
Aims: Urban development plans try to restore dynamism and vitality to urban contexts, but the lack of existing structure and modeling of previous plans has made the definition of sustainable urban form a challenge for urban planners. The purpose of this article was to explain the coherent form of Shiraz based on the concept of connectivity. 
Methodology: This descriptive-analytical research was conducted by documentary and field method in 2021. This study was conducted in Shiraz and the sample size was urban and street blocks and functional zones of 11 districts of this city.
Findings: The interconnected centers of the city geometrically and functionally affect each other as long as all the effects occur between the centers in a single area. Therefore, before applying changes in the physical form of each area of Shiraz, its consequences should be considered in the affected area. These consequences are due to the position of the position in relation to the priority of influencing the influence of the boundary number of each block, influence in complex network centers and interconnected centers, irregular structure, control and promotion of construction, population and the extent of various economic and social indicators, culturally, and physically examined.
Conclusion: In the process of urban planning, changes in each region should not be considered as an independent region and the pattern of interoperability in urban development planning and management should be considered for regular organization and their effects in order to achieve Use coherence in form.

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