Volume 30, Issue 1 (2015)                   GeoRes 2015, 30(1): 52-37 | Back to browse issues page
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Rahnama M R, Asadi A. Analysing Of Sptaial Distribution Of The Home Price in Mashhad City. GeoRes 2015; 30 (1) :52-37
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1- Department of Geography & Urban Planing, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,Iran
2- Department of Geography & Urban Planing, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,Iran ,
Abstract   (4235 Views)
Regarding to the importance of residence in the constitution of the low of Islamic republic of Iran، in This article Housing price and Its spatial distribution in Mashhad city in account of help to decision Making have been invisbiyated. The used data's in this studing، which are exceeded of 775 sample، have been gathered from khorasan newspaper (the needs part) since April 2010 to no November 2011 for 8 montns، and their geographic specifications on the Mashhad city have been recorded. In this studing for doing necessary an analyses softwares such as، Arc GIS and GeoDa have been used. Among of used data's 62.8 percent are apartment (487 cases) and 37.2 percent are on – floor building (288 cases) means my studied cases are composed from this tow categories wich this quality and quantity. The average price of every squared meter of apartment in Mashhad is 9000000 Rials and the average prise of every squared meter of floor on is 9350000 Rials and the average price of every squared meter of residence bulding is 9170000 Rials . Never the less the spatial analyse of building price in mashhad indicate in consistent and unequel distribution of prises in different of mashhad result of Moran (index) I. There is direct and positive realationship between apartemant and one-floor building prices and quantity of residents in these areas. 