Volume 36, Issue 4 (2021)                   GeoRes 2021, 36(4): 373-381 | Back to browse issues page
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Payedar M, Afshary M, Aminpoor A. Representation and Typology of the Identity Components of Lonban Neighborhood of Isfahan City, Iran, in the Qajar Era. GeoRes 2021; 36 (4) :373-381
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1- Architecture Department, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Architecture Department, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran (
Abstract   (2442 Views)
Aims: As life accelerates and consequently changes in phenomena, the identity of individuals and cities is an issue that is widely considered, because it will be a sign of originality and civilization. The purpose of this study was to represent and typologically identify the components of Lonban neighborhood for application to the disorders of modern physical changes.
Methodology: This phenomenological study was conducted in 1397 in the Lonban neighborhood of Isfahan. By referring to written sources, the sources related to the Qajar period were evaluated and identified in terms of having information about the mentioned situation. After collecting the data, tables based on the locating scale were identified and distributed to them with analyzes such as content coding. Finally, after categorization, the data were typified.
Findings: In order to identify and typologically identify the components of neighborhoods, for the first time, the impact of the identified components on observers in terms of the level of perception was addressed in three scales: urban, inter-neighborhood and local. In the second typology, the components found in historical sources were divided into three categories of natural elements, artificial elements, and social and human elements.
Conclusion: Comparison and analysis of the species found with each other and with each other species indicate that the effect of components derived from environmental capabilities at all scales had a greater impact on the identity of the neighborhood and contrary to expectations, the impact of environmental identity components on the intra-neighborhood scale Many of the components of identity have been greater than the capabilities of resident interactions.

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