Volume 36, Issue 2 (2021)                   GeoRes 2021, 36(2): 99-113 | Back to browse issues page
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Yahyaei M, Mofidi Shemirani S, Ahmadi V. Site Selection of Potential Zones for Wind-Catchers in Hot and Dry Areas of IRAN to Naturally Ventilate the Building. GeoRes 2021; 36 (2) :99-113
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1- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Science & Technology, Farjam Street, Resalat Avenue, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1477893855 (
Abstract   (6770 Views)
Aims: The purpose of this study was to locate wind-catcher sites in regions with hot and arid climates in the country (Semnan province).
Methodology: the current study is empirical in terms of purpose. First, the initial list of indicators affecting the location of the wind-catchers was prepared by reviewing the fundamental theories was approved by the Delphi method. Then, a combined model was used to find the potential areas for wind-catchers establishment. This model includes the Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) technique and the Geographic Information System (GIS). The tools used for this purpose were ArcGIS software, version 9.3, and Expert Choice software, version 2004. The pair comparison method was used to weigh the indicators and zones.
Findings Six indicators of sunny hours, wind, altitude, temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation were identified to locate the win-catchers. The relative humidity index with a weight of 0.38 had the highest score and the height index with a weight of 0.154 had the lowest score. The layer for each indicator was prepared and drawn for the eight cities of the province. Eventually, according to the scores estimated by the pairwise comparison of the indicators and the studied areas, the priorities of the cities of Semnan province in terms of the wind-catchers establishment are as follows: Semnan, Garmsar, Aradan, Sorkheh, Damghan, Shahroud, Miami and Mehdishahr.
Conclusion: the optimal locating of wind-catchers requires a combination of several indicators that was possible using the hierarchical analysis method combined with GIS. The final model is practical and generalizable to similar climates.


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