Volume 31, Issue 3 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(3): 93-102 | Back to browse issues page
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Ghaedrahmati S, Ahmadi nuhadany S. Tehran in Space of Management Political of Analysis land Domain. GeoRes 2016; 31 (3) :93-102
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1- Department Of Geography And Urban Planning ,Tarbiat Modarres University ,Tehran,Iran ,
2- Department Of Political Geography ,Tarbiat Modarres University ,Tehran,Iran
Abstract   (6389 Views)

The peripheral area of Tehran is approximately 5918 square kilometers and equivalent to 10 times the current area of Tehran. The problems of this area if disregarded, will in the near future spread to Tehran. It must be considered that these areas are not separated from Tehran.So with the population growth of the neighboring cities and that of Tehran itself, and the physical growth of cities and expansion of communications, the current area of Tehran will soon undergo significant changes. This is an applied research because its results can be used for municipality of Tehran metropolis. Data collection method is through documents and analysis of political management and urban governance of Tehran. Indicators (population, political, political management and urban governance) are the main indicators for which data will be collected for this study. This paper reviews, identifies and classifies Tehran area’s problems and how these problems will be added to the other problems of Tehran. The results show that the problem has been entangled in mismanagement of the decision makers. Unregulated Construction and uncontrolled physical growth gives us an overall idea about the inefficiency of Tehran’s urban management.With regard to the recently passed documents about Tehran’s peripheral areas, the longer these problems are disregarded the bigger the future consequences would be


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