Volume 31, Issue 3 (2016)                   GeoRes 2016, 31(3): 43-55 | Back to browse issues page
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Roumina E. The Effect of Specialization on Local Government Functions. GeoRes 2016; 31 (3) :43-55
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Authors Ebrahim Roumina *
Department Of Geograpy , Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran,Iran ,
Abstract   (4847 Views)

The function and the authority of a local government is in the area that is directly related to the people of that particular area. Since decision making about the citizens requires specialization, local decision makers should have certain qualifications and expertise in order to be be effective. Otherwise they will be dysfunctional and the area under their jurisdiction will face serious problems.The results of this study show that lack of specialization among city council members will negatively affect the council’s function. This study has analyzed the relationship between specialization and the effectiveness of city council members in the past four terms, since it was first established. This is a descriptive and analytical study. It’s descriptive because it examines specialization between the city council members and it’s analytical because it has analyzed the information based on findings of library and field research. The method for data collection is field research and library research


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