Volume 32, Issue 3 (2017)                   GeoRes 2017, 32(3): 35-51 | Back to browse issues page
Article Type:
Descriptive & Survey |

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bazargan M, amirfakhriyan M. Optimal Routing of Emergency Relief Vehicles Using Routing Algorithm in GIS (Case Study: Mashhad City). GeoRes 2017; 32 (3) :35-51
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1- Department Of Geography, Ferdowsi University,Mashhad,Iran ,
2- Department Of Architecture, Mashhad University Jahad, Mashhad,Iran
Abstract   (5629 Views)

Today, management and planning to reduce the destructive effects of crises has become one of the main challenges facing governments. On the other hand, planning for the prevention of accidents on the one hand and the right decisions to reduce the effects of the crisis on the other are key objectives of crisis management. The shortest route has always been one of the most practical issues in spatial analysis in transport as well as basic location services. With the development and advancement of these systems due to the complexity of mathematical models and network structures, different algorithms for optimized routing are presented with regard to the parameters and characteristics of the network. Therefore, the present research is aimed at the routing of relief vehicles (fire and emergency) with the assumption of the probability of being healthy as well as the failure of communication routes at the time of the crisis in Mashhad. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and ArcGIS software and network analysis command have been used for data analysis. In the present study, for the relief facility route, six major demographic and strategic locations (Passenger, Vote and SAM, Ferdowsi University, Pars Hotel, international fair and subway station of Tabarsi) were determined. The results of the research indicate that in the case of healthy communication routes, the average emergency room will be at a time of 5.9 minutes and the fire department will arrive within 4 minutes to the location of the incidents (the places designated in this research). But considering the probability of failure of the communication routes, this time for the emergency 9.9 minutes and for the fire will be 7.6 minutes.


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