Volume 34, Issue 4 (2019)                   GeoRes 2019, 34(4): 483-491 | Back to browse issues page
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ganjloo A, Saeedi Mofrad S. Analysis the position of Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based Organization about Informal Settlement empowering through Grounded Theory method. GeoRes 2019; 34 (4) :483-491
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1- Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of art and architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract   (2677 Views)
Aims and Background: Informal settlement is one of the most important urban problems that reduces the level of quality and quantity of life.So far, different ways of organizing informal settlements have been presented, but the empowerment strategy has a high status in order to reduce physical, economic and social inequalities in the world.Among the solutions to the complex problems of these settlements, the presence of representatives of Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based Organization are as a communication link between the government and residents in empowering informal settlements.The study intends to answer the question of how non-governmental organizations and community based organization play a role in the social empowerment of informal settlements.The case study is the old road of Quchan which is one of the identified area of informal settlements in Mashhad and is located in the northwest.
Methodology: The qualitative method, which is selected according to the theoretical framework table, criteria, sub-criteria, and the nature of the study, is grounded theory.This process has been accomplished in four steps.
Findings: The central phenomenon is limited workability of the Non-governmental Organizations that have a high tendency towards social trust and acceptance,but they are not legally recognized due to economic and financial problems, the inability to provide the costs of the local problems and solve the needs of the residents, so their demands are not recognized.Eventually they have been marginalized in the neighborhood management system and abandoned by the upstream organizations.
Conclusion: In this case study,Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based Organization are active with goals to help the settlement and promote the culture.The high sense of belonging and social trust have led to their willingness to contribute to social empowerment, but due to limited financial and budgetary problems, and generally limited ability to work, these organizations face some problems in their activities.

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