Showing 11 results for Lashgari
Dr Zahra Ahmadypour , Dr Ehsan Lashgari ,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (12-2014)
After the end of the Cold War، were came up different views about nature and how to continue rival in international relations. Some scholars of these fields were believe that with the end of ideological competition in the macro level in the world and with any rival hegemonic there is not any basis for more competition between countries and power blocks in the world . so it consider that from this time ، human being will experience liberal peace in macro level. In contrast to some other scholars believe that inherent nature of space and geography، as a place where human life ،is fundamental for reproducing and processing historical structures for competition between states and power blocks and in different times only may changes the subject of competition . Therefore in this paper with descriptive and analytical approach we have attempted، philosophy of geographic continuity competition has been described in international relations and has been explaining the new shape of competition. Research findings indicate that in general the political geography of the world body has conditions that will reproduce the competition between countries and power blocks as a infrastructure factor in international relations at different times.
Ehsan Lashgari,
Volume 31, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Many of accidents that have taken place in one geographical environment don’t have abstraction source. With the base on distribution theory, historical incident of beside one geographical spatial have effective output on this spatial. With the base on this theory if historical incidents of beside one geographical spatial were in direction of cultural and historical background of one society has evident effect on cultural and political incidents of that society. Islamic revolution is one the important events in the Middle East. This event had been important effects on political incident of this region. In this research have been struggled, with analysis - descriptive approach, were conformed to distribution theory with incidents of after Islamic revolutions in the Middle East. Finding research reveals that impacts Islamic revolution of Iran accord with transmitted distribution theory.
Ehsan Lashgari,
Volume 32, Issue 1 (6-2017)
In the philosophy of sciences, especially human science, definition and recognition of ontological and epistemological concepts could be different or even contradictory in different schools of thought. Therefore, defining the theoretical framework of a concept is one of the most fundamental principles in studying and analysis of that concept. In Geographical sciences one of the important spatial relationships is between politics and geographical space, the interpretation of which differs in different schools of thought. In this research, with respect to the fundamental nature of the research we have tried to take a critical look at the relationship between politics and geographical space in the school of structuralism, with regard to valid theoretical documents. The findings of the study show that in the school of structuralism the components of geographical space are interactive and integrated and ideologies and political institutions play a significant role in the evolution of geographical forms and processes as external and structural factors.
Ehsan Lashgari , Mohammadreza Rezaei , Golshan Kaviyanpoor,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (9-2017)
Explanation of the reasons behind changes of urban space, and how symbols and processes emerge in it has been among the topics that have constantly been studied in scientific research. It is clear that political institutions and political figures are key players in spatial construction and changes. Cities, as very important human constructs in geographical space, are shaped by political structures and based on political ideologies. In this regard, this research has been conducted with a descriptive and analytical approach to elaborate the most important political processes involved in construction of urban spaces. The findings of this research reveal that actions of institutions and political actors have direct impact on distribution of scarce resources such as land and facilities. These political powers can also significantly affect urban financial structure, civil rights, urban laws, control of territories, development of urban residencies and urban landscapes and symbols.
Ehsan Lashgari Tafreshi,
Volume 33, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)
Political culture is one important topic in sociology, history, political science. However, the political culture as a human phenomenon, not only influenced by geographical environment and its political geographic position. But also, natural and human Geographical features effects on culture and ideology characteristics in any nation. natural features phenomenon in geographical spatial such political topics basically react from physical and humanity of geographical aspects. In this regard, Iranian political culture studies show the centralized governance has more grass root organization in political culture of Iran. This paper seeks to answer the question: “what factors are of centralize and negative mentality about foreign powers in Iran?” In this paper with rely on descriptive –analytical approaches were studied that geographical basics source of two major traits, inclusive negative mentality to foreign powers and faithfulness to centralization structure. Finding research reveals that Incommensurate distribution of natural resource such as water, productive soil has been caused that only centralized state could be managed this inappropriate situation. From another side, Existence Fossil source in Iran has been caused that foreign powers rivaled for accessing to it. Therefore, Iran's political culture is ruling pro-independence and becoming the undisputed military power has always been pursued in earnest by the various governments. Also, in most oil-rich countries especially in the Middle East, including Iran, more than 50 percent of state revenues directly achieved from the sale of oil and sources of income in the hands of the state as a powerful tool, allows extension of state political power and limits the power of private institutions and social structures. In the cultural geography of Iran, the religion and governance system hs always been a great combination. So, In the Iranian political culture based on the integration of religion with power the distribute political power in space and greater role by private institutions is not possible.
© 2018 Geographical Researches
Ehsan Lashgari Tafreshi,
Volume 34, Issue 2 (spring 2019)
Aims & Backgrounds: The studies of space political economy in the framework of positivism methodology is often influenced by profit motivation, and analysis of spatial changes is as a result of economic policies independent from government ideology. Marxist geographers have also argued that political sovereignty lacked any structural independence against class relations and the material processes of society shape the political destiny of geographical space. in the studies of political economy in the framework of Hegelian perspective, the role of government actors and agencies is investigated as the forces beyond the elements of civil society in the distribution of public goods and services and policymaking in order to capital accumulation and its subsequent spatial reconstruction at the territorial level. The aim of this study was to investigate and explanation of the most important effective structural symbols and functional processes, constructed by the government in the framework of the Hegelian perspective on national and territorial scales.
Methodology: This descriptive-analytical study with the trans-positivism approach, is seeking to analyze the spatial dialectics in the framework of the function of political sovereignty in the distribution of public goods and national resource allocation at the national scale.
Findings: from the Hegelian perspective, the political economy of space is the result of controlling competition between the guilds and the social classes for access to public goods by the government. In other words, the process of scarce resource allocation based on the ideology of sovereignty government and determination of facility location and its subsequent spatial developments were investigated. Meanwhile, deployment of new forces in decision making in the territorial scale will create the various patterns of the political economy of space and it is not necessarily the result of a social class function or pursuit the interests of the bourgeois class. Accordingly, when the government's function in organizing the space economy in one area is discussed, there is not necessary to merely use of quantitative methods to predict and measuring the political economy of space.
Conclusion: The government-oriented political economy is seeking to describe the ranking and classification of social groups in access to scarce economic resources through planning processes, spatial planning, and analysis of its effects.
Ehsan Lashgari Tafreshi,
Volume 35, Issue 3 (summer 2020)
Introduction: Since the 1980s, with the ever-increasing superiority of neoliberalism views and declining government investment in public affairs, the functional and ownership roles of the government in the economy have diminished and the role of non-governmental institutions, companies and forces in managing and producing space has increased, which weakened the independent influence of government-affiliated institutions in the management and planning of the territorial space. The purpose of this study was to present a new classification of government functions and how to study it in the management and planning of the territorial space in the framework of the neoliberal perspective with reference to valid theoretical documents. This research is of theoretical type and the data were collected by documentary and library methods and analyzed by descriptive-analytical method based on inferential approach.
Conclusion: Since spatial planning is affected by profit-oriented economic motivation based on free trade, the government lacks an independent position and function in spatial planning management. In this regard, government institutions seek to expand and continue the cycle of making more profitable talented areas and facilitate the faster return of capital through tax policies and coordination with the wishes of companies and economic institutions only through spatial management planning. In the formulation of land management policies by governments in the neoliberal model, different regions in the subdivision of the land level do not have the same value in attracting capital, and spatial polarization in population, movement, and activity in the territorial space will always exist. On this basis, land management in the neoliberal model has led to the importance of the concept of leveling, ranking, and decline of the concept of spatial justice, which is considered in the Keynesian model in land management studies.
E. Lashgari Tafreshi,
Volume 36, Issue 1 (winter 2021)
Introduction: In political geography, sovereignty is the highest coercive power on a territorial scale which has been the creator of classical political, geographical views since the Westphalian period. However, since the 1980s, the function of Westphalian sovereignty in the production of geographical space has been criticized by poststructuralist geographers. A new wave of theories and approaches began that assumes power as a pervasive and pluralistic process at all societal levels. This research has been struggled to analyze the causes, contexts, and functions of the conceptual turn of political sovereignty and its function in the production of geographical space in poststructuralist political geography. In this regard, in the first step, geographical space and its dimensions and subdivisions are defined concerning the poststructuralist school. Then, by explaining how to reconstruct the concept of sovereignty in the poststructuralist school, a new perspective is presented concerning the conceptual consequences of governance in political geography. Conclusion: Findings research shows that civil society is considered the main source of space production in poststructuralist political geography. In this regard, considering the same credibility for discourses and social forces opens the door to dialogue in management and organization of space. In this context, the multiplicity and difference of social forces in the governance process are recognized and emphasize the right to exist. By emphasizing the right to different exist; Participatory democracy emerges, and the transfer of power to smaller territorial units such as local governments is considered.
E. Lashgari ,
Volume 36, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Introduction: The concept of governmentality was first proposed by Michel Foucault in 1978; Includes the study of techniques, processes, and approaches in which governments control all aspects of citizens' lives. The formulation of this concept in the humanities and social sciences, including cultural geography, has epistemological consequences which have changed cultural geography's position among other branches of human geography. This article attempted to rely on the interpretive method and within the framework of governmentality, concepts were explored the epistemological consequences of this concept in cultural geography.
Conclusion: The research findings indicate that in the context of governmentality; Genealogy becomes an important tool in recognizing the cultural geography symbols and processes. However, the genealogy of political power is not possible without considering the political economy paleontology and as result, discontinuity is part of political economy nature. Hence the epistemology of cultural geography leads to relativism. On this basis, none of the characteristics such as nature, necessity, totality, and eternity like natural laws and the real perceptions attached to it do apply to relative phenomena in cultural geography. At the same time, recognizing the ideal processes and symbols that seek criticism and replacement with the existing culture is important. Hence, in cultural geography influenced by governmentality, it is considered important to study the marginalized social class.
E. Lashgari Tafreshi,
Volume 37, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Introduction: From the view of postmodern political geography, territorial identity is formed as a text within a set of systematically mental elements under discourse and then it finds objectivity in a node called "space". In other words, the objectified identity is the result of a set of relations regulated by political power Which at a certain point in history, make the meaning of territory. In this regard, for the first time in the history of ancient Iran, the Sassanid dynasty used the ideological apparatus of Zoroastrianism to create territorial identity. In this research, has been attempted to investigate how the elements of Zoroastrianism are articulated by Sassanid dynasty for creating the sense of territorial belonging between people.
Conclusion: The study findings show that the political role of charismatic leaders has played an important role in building government, borders, territory and identity during Sassanid dynasty. The Sassanid dynasty in a way represents the territorial identity from the teachings of the Avesta (Holy Writ for Zoroastrians), in which the Integrated territory of Iran blends with holiness and forms the collective spirit. During this period, under the official religion discourse, a kind of alienation was formed which represented Iran as Ahuraian territory and this country was discursively contradictions to non-Iranians. A mission was delegated to the political power for developing the Zoroastrian identity in the minds of the Iranian people and remove the internal and external demons from this original identity.
T Lashgari Tafreshi ,
Volume 37, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Introduction: One of the most important approaches in critical geopolitics; is Understanding the function of the discourse in geopolitical actions emergence of political units. In this approach, the geopolitics territorial expansion has a meaning that the interpreter should understand according to constructed components in the text. From the "Laclau" and "Mouffe" perspectives, this geopolitical text; at some point in history has been constructed by the socio-political discourse and from an identity, perspective has gained meaning from distinction with other discourses. In this regard, the territorial expansion pattern of the Rashidun Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman) era between 11 and 35 A.H. was the basis for a semantic break with the geopolitical paradigm of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Because in the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) era, Islamic world borders expansion was interpreted in direction of Islamic teachings expansion, which was different from the territory expansion discourse pattern in the Rashidun Caliphs era. This research has analyzed the discourse components effective on territorial expansion policy creation during the Rashidun Caliphs leadership from the "Laclau” and "Mouffe" perspectives.
Conclusion: In the Rashidun caliph’s era, with the signifier formation of Islamic territory expansion as a religious mission; the Islamic government's geopolitical policies changed. So, a type of alienation was formed in the Islamic government’s geopolitical discourse which turned the Islamic empire borders into a holy matter in front of non-Muslims. In addition, wealth growth resulting from territorial expansion among the Prophet's companions as well as the first Muslims was effective in the transformation of territorial expansion into the Rashidun Caliphs discourse signifier. On this basis, the Islamic caliphate gained more satisfaction from other Muslim tribes; invited them to participate in territorial conquests, and considered more benefiting from the booty to be dependent on participating in the war and gaining victory in the new territorial conquest.