Volume 33, Issue 3 (2018)                   GeoRes 2018, 33(3): 218-236 | Back to browse issues page
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Kaviyan Rad M, Hosseini S M H, Sadeghi V. Explanation of electoral Competition Tribe-based in the Framework of the Model of Core-Periphery Case Study: Eighth,Ninth and Tenth Elections in the Mamasani Constituency. GeoRes 2018; 33 (3) :218-236
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1- Department of Political Geography ,kharazmi univercity,Tehran, Iran ,
2- Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of political geography,Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract   (4090 Views)
Introduction and Background The model of core-periphery is evidence of unequal relationships between societies, regions, classes, and different social strata that are very effective in shaping the behavior of actors. This issue is noticeable in areas such as Mamasani County that social structure has a tribal nature. So that in each tribe, some of the populous ancestry and villages are able to influence other geographic areas around them in social and political spheres. In the Mamasani constituency, the electoral behavior of residents in the context of the geographical environment, spatial and kinship feelings, due to the role of the major geographical cores (wheels) and peripheral affiliates (blacks), can trigger emotional behavior in political choices. In this regard, the role creating a model of the core of the periphery in the political sphere, such as the parliamentary elections, affects the participatory model of the inhabitants of this city, and the field of the formation and construction of the Pratori Society .
Aims The present study is based on the assumption that there is a significant relationship between the center of periphery and tribalism, and this structure is important through the geographical area and the division of the areas under the control of the clans into the most important and important part of the old times, and their division of labor, especially during the election in the current era, while creating a labor society, it leads to an increase in tribal tendencies in social and political arenas. 
Methodology The research method has a descriptive-analytical nature and the required data are collected through library, documentary and field studies (observation).
Conclusion The findings of the research showed that some of the urban regions and high-impact villages (as centers) effect the patterns of behavior of residents of other peripheral regions and the ability to shape emotional behavior in the pratori community, finally, tribalism in the social and political arenas.

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