Volume 29, Issue 2 (2014)                   GeoRes 2014, 29(2): 197-210 | Back to browse issues page
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Ezati M, Agh-Atabai M. Neotectonic Investigation of Kakli- Raz Area Located at Northern Khorasan Using Morphometric Indices . GeoRes 2014; 29 (2) :197-210
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1- Golestan university ,
2- Golestan university
Abstract   (3676 Views)
Study area is located in the central kopehdagh north of Bojnurd and Shirvan cities، between Kakli and Raz villages. Aim of this research is separating high activity area from low activity. In this study، In order to evaluate rate of tectonic activity، stream length-gradient index (SL)، ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf)، transverse topographic system (T)، hypsometric integral (Hi) were calculated. Faults and fractures of the study area are extracted from VNIR band of Aster image، Morphometric indices computed using GIS and Global mapper. The highest value of stream length-gradient index (SL) is related to the north domains. Increasing of SL index at the north domains is associated with faults and fractures that cut the steam. Ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf) shows that the highest uplift is related the north domains and existing V shape Valleys at this area confirm this matter. Calculating T index at this research shows that stream''s that are parallel to the folds tilted to the South. Highest value of hypsometric integral index is associated with north basin (Shirin rood). Result of this research show that highest amount of tectonic activity is about the North side of study area، and North side of central kopehdagh is more active than South side.