Volume 39, Issue 4 (2024)                   GeoRes 2024, 39(4): 419-431 | Back to browse issues page
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Research code: ART-1666


How to cite this article
HasaniPour H, Kazemi A, Saghafi Asl A. Environmental Quality Indicators of Urban Open Spaces in Bagherabad Neighborhood of Rasht, Iran. GeoRes 2024; 39 (4) :419-431
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1- Urban Development Group, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2- Urban Development Group, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Ramsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramsar, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Urban Development Group, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Shahid Abbas Monfared Boulevard, Ramsar City, Iran. Postal Code: 46919-66434 (
Abstract   (211 Views)
Aims: The problems resulting from population growth and the increasing transformation of urban configurations have led to an increased importance of examining the environmental quality of urban open spaces as a multidimensional and complex concept. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the environmental quality indicators of urban open spaces in the Bagherabad neighborhood of Rasht.
Methodology: The present research is of a descriptive-comparative type and was conducted in the city of Rasht in 2024. In this study, based on a document content analysis process, the environmental quality indicators of urban open spaces were extracted and then, based on the obtained indicators, a field survey was conducted with the aim of evaluating the environmental quality of open spaces in the Bagherabad neighborhood of Rasht city.
Findings: The comprehensive structure of evaluating the environmental quality of urban open spaces in the Bagherabad neighborhood is based on three objective, subjective and behavioral orientations and has 6 main dimensions, including social, physical, economic, environmental, service and personal. Based on the findings, Bagherabad neighborhood, in terms of open spaces, has a below-average environmental quality, and the strength of this area is in the natural elements and environmental dimension, and the main weakness is in the view, landscape, and aesthetics of the physical elements of the area. Also, the survey results showed that the most attention of citizens is on the issue of view, landscape, aesthetics, and security of the neighborhood.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the concept of environmental quality has a homogeneous and multifaceted structure, and changes in each of the indicators affect the other indicators. It is concluded that Bagherabad neighborhood has a lot of potential, especially in the environmental dimension and natural elements and the social dimension of the traditional texture of the area; Which can lead to the improvement of various indicators of the environmental quality of open spaces, especially the view, landscape, and aesthetics index, which are the main weaknesses of this neighborhood.