Volume 38, Issue 4 (2023)                   GeoRes 2023, 38(4): 533-539 | Back to browse issues page
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Aghanasab A, Adibi Saadinezhad F, Arbabi A. A Suitable Tourism Model Based on Good Urban Governance for the Chitgar Tourism Complex. GeoRes 2023; 38 (4) :533-539
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1- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Islamshahr, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Islamic Azad University, Namaaz Square, Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Street, Islamshahr, Iran. Postal Code: 33147-67653 (
Abstract   (507 Views)
Aims: Tourism encapsulates a diverse array of individuals, professions, institutions, and locales that converge harmoniously to facilitate the pursuit of travel-related endeavors. This article aims to present a suitable model for tourism based on good urban governance to enhance the Chitgar tourism complex.
Methodology: The research, conducted in 1402, had an applied objective and utilized a case study approach focusing on the Chitgar recreational complex. Dimensions and criteria influencing tourism governance were determined through a review of previous studies and assessed through a questionnaire. The validity of the prepared questionnaire was confirmed using the Delphi method. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula (n=310), and questionnaire reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha (0.81). Research participants, selected through random sampling, included ordinary individuals and visitors to the Chitgar tourism complex. Data were analyzed using the one-sample t-test and SPSS 26 software. The desirability level of each dimension was evaluated using the test.
Findings: The governance model for tourism development in the Chitgar recreational complex is achievable considering the nine dimensions: Participation, transparency, rule of law, responsiveness, justice, accountability, supervision, efficiency, effectiveness, and specialization-orientation. The average dimensions were, respectively: Participation 2.5, transparency 2.3, rule of law 2.1, responsiveness 2.6, justice 2.2, accountability 2.7, supervision 2.3, efficiency and effectiveness 2.5, and specialization-orientation 2.6. All dimensions were found to be at an undesirable level.
Conclusion: Each dimension of good urban governance has criteria, and enhancing each of them is crucial for improving the level of dimensions and, consequently, elevating the tourism level of the Chitgar complex.

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