Volume 37, Issue 3 (2022)                   GeoRes 2022, 37(3): 399-407 | Back to browse issues page
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Analytical Review |

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Lashgari Tafreshi T. Discursive Components of Islamic Caliphate Geopolitical Expansion in the Rashidun Caliph’s Era from the Laclau and Mouffe Perspective. GeoRes 2022; 37 (3) : 10
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Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Abstract   (730 Views)
Introduction: One of the most important approaches in critical geopolitics; is Understanding the function of the discourse in geopolitical actions emergence of political units.  In this approach, the geopolitics territorial expansion has a meaning that the interpreter should understand according to constructed components in the text. From the "Laclau" and "Mouffe" perspectives, this geopolitical text; at some point in history has been constructed by the socio-political discourse and from an identity, perspective has gained meaning from distinction with other discourses.  In this regard, the territorial expansion pattern of the Rashidun Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman) era between 11 and 35 A.H. was the basis for a semantic break with the geopolitical paradigm of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Because in the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) era, Islamic world borders expansion was interpreted in direction of Islamic teachings expansion, which was different from the territory expansion discourse pattern in the Rashidun Caliphs era. This research has analyzed the discourse components effective on territorial expansion policy creation during the Rashidun Caliphs leadership from the "Laclau” and "Mouffe" perspectives.
Conclusion: In the Rashidun caliph’s era, with the signifier formation of Islamic territory expansion as a religious mission; the Islamic government's geopolitical policies changed. So, a type of alienation was formed in the Islamic government’s geopolitical discourse which turned the Islamic empire borders into a holy matter in front of non-Muslims. In addition, wealth growth resulting from territorial expansion among the Prophet's companions as well as the first Muslims was effective in the transformation of territorial expansion into the Rashidun Caliphs discourse signifier. On this basis, the Islamic caliphate gained more satisfaction from other Muslim tribes; invited them to participate in territorial conquests, and considered more benefiting from the booty to be dependent on participating in the war and gaining victory in the new territorial conquest.
Article number: 10

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